Some Urekai held whips, while some held swords. The sight turned Emeriel's stomach, making him sick.

Is this to be our life now?

Aekeira's groan of wakefulness echoed behind him, and Emeriel quickly turned to his sister, concern etched on his face.

"Are you alright, Kiera?" he asked, his voice hushed.

Aekeira nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Where are we?" she asked, eyes scanning their surroundings.

"Their kingdom, Urai," Emeriel whispered, keeping his voice down so the carriage master would not overhear.

Together, they took in the huge fortress in front of them. The carriage headed straight for it.

"This place looks highly luxurious," Aekeira said.

Emeriel nodded. As royalty, they were well-acquainted with luxury, but this was on an entirely different scale.

Which begged the question...

Who exactly were the males who had purchased them? And if they weren't his and his sister's masters, then who was...?

They were led into an empty room after passing through numerous chambers and passages. "This shall be your quarters for now," a soldier announced.

The room was surprisingly spacious and tastefully decorated.

Not long after the soldiers left, the sound of approaching footsteps reached their ears, growing louder with each moment.

The door swung open, and an older human woman marched in, accompanied by a younger woman and three Urekai males. The older woman's gaze fell on Emeriel, and she did a double take. "You are one remarkably handsome male. I have seen many pretty males in my time, but even I can hardly think of one who is half as pretty as you."

Feeling uneasy, Emeriel took a step back, finding solace behind Aekeira, who spread her arms protectively to shield him from prying eyes.

"Well, it's a shame you're not the one we came for," the woman said dismissively, turning away. "Prepare her, boys. Amie, get the bath ready."

The three males closed in on Aekeira, beginning to undress her. Their hands removed her clothes while another tended to her hair, undoing the knots.

"What are you doing?" Emeriel asked concerned.

"Getting her ready for what is to come.” The older woman didn't bother to look at him. “You can either stay or leave. I care not. But if you disturb me, I will have you reported to the soldiers and thrown into the dungeon."

Numerous questions swirled in Emeriel’s mind, but a shake of Aekeira's head silenced him.

He watched helplessly as they undressed her, while the younger girl, Amie, preparing a large tub filled with water.

Eventually, Emeriel decided to step out and explore, wandering the halls aimlessly. He followed one to a secluded passage that appeared hidden from casual glances.

Voices echoed in the distance, so he moved closer towards them.

"What shall we do with the boy? He was not part of the plan," one voice said.

"I do not care, Lord Ottai. Perhaps we will think of something later,” Lord Vladya's voice came. “For now, let us focus on the girl. The bad weather delayed our journey, I had expected us to return yesterday.”

His voice, chilling and authoritative, Lord Vladya added. “Time is running short. She must be in the forbidden chambers tonight."

Forbidden chambers?

Emeriel didn’t like the sound of that at all.

"Calm yourself, Vladya. That young girl cannot handle the beast," Lord Ottai added.