"Do not fret; Madam Livia granted me permission. I wish to bathe with you tonight." Aekeira settled beside him.

"You have a splendid bathing setup in your chambers, Keira," Emeriel sighed. "That room is the sole luxury afforded to you as the beast's service slave, and you should revel in it to the fullest. You should not be here."

"Oh, hush. I desire to bathe together, just like old times when we engaged in countless mischievous exploits." Aekeira's smile widened. "Do you recall when we used to go scavenger hunting in King Orestus's garden?"

Unbidden, a smile spread across Emeriel's face.How could he forget?"He would grow so furious his face turned red. It was always entertaining to witness his changing complexion."

"Those were the good old days."

"Then, we would venture into the woods and engage in pretend battles all day long," Emeriel added.

"Mama worried herself sick searching for us on one occasion. I was never proud of that."

"Likewise. But we were children." Emeriel glanced at his sister. "I miss Mom."

Aekeira's smile turned sorrowful. "As do I. I am certain she resides in the heavens, watching over us and keeping us safe."

No, Emeriel was not certain of that, so he remained silent.

The uncertainty reflected on his sister's face as well.

All those teachings under the moonlight about departed loved ones watching over and safeguarding the living—Emeriel was beginning to perceive the falsehood in those claims.

Surely, if their parents truly watched over them, they would have encountered at least a modicum of luck in this cruel fate they shared, right?

"Regarding the introduction..." Aekeira's voice interrupted his thoughts. "...I heard not everyone will be compelled to undress. The lords will handpick those who catch their eye and disrobe them. Who knows, they may never choose you. Or perhaps the lords will be hesitant to select a male?"

Emeriel emitted another snort. "Urekai does not conceal their desires for whom they want to mount, be it male or female. You know that. I am more concerned for you, Kiera. I do not wish for you to suffer any further."

"I am not worried about myself. It is you I fear for. I am terrified of what will transpire in that court tomorrow." Silence enveloped them thereafter.

"Come now, everyone has departed. Let us bathe," Aekeira declared, extending her hand, which Emeriel accepted.

Together, they made their way towards the river.

Aekeira remained on high alert throughout their bath. Although Emeriel spent most of the time with his body submerged in the river, only his head above water, Aekeira positioned herself protectively, always shielding him from anyone’s view.

They stood in front of the court, clad in the slaves's formal attire. A short, fitted dress that barely reached their knees.

Gathered on one side of the enormous court, their eyes fixed on the lords seated around the round table, a lavish feast spread before them.

The table was adorned with an abundance of flowers, and some lords had brought their own slaves, made to dine at their masters' feet, wearing unique collars around their necks.

Emeriel gazed at the Urekai Grand High Court, awestruck and horrified. He had never seen so many lords gathered before.

All were dressed elegantly, yet their eyes held a glimmer of hatred and cruelty as they stared at the humans before them.

The herald announced the entrance of the grand lords, prompting everyone to stand and those already standing to straighten. The imposing doors swung open, and the trio entered.

Cloaked in their customary white garments, their flowing fabric exuded grace, adorned with gold embroideries, adding to their majestic appearance.

The irony did not get past Emeriel. These males donned pristine white robes, yet their hearts were as dark as coal.

They took their seats on their thrones before the crowd followed. As they settled, the esteemed Lord of Ceremonial Affairs stood, commanding attention as he addressed the high court.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we assemble not only for our customary banquet ceremony but also to mark the auspicious occasion of introducing and unveiling the new slaves the Urekai have acquired over the past year. This gathering is a testament to the continuity of our traditions and the expansion of our noble household. As we partake in this joyous event, let us celebrate the prosperity and growth of our realm."

Nods of agreement rippled through the crowd as the lord resumed his seat. Another lord rose to continue, and Emeriel's mind drifted. His nerves overwhelmed him, his mouth felt dry, and his palms were sweaty.