Emeriel had never felt such relief. He glared at the door as he wiped his mouth clean.
The door swung open, and Amie entered. "Are you alright, Prince Emeriel?"
"Could you please not call me that?" Emeriel snapped angrily.
"Sorry," Amie lowered her head, chagrined. "It's a habit, and I'll w-work on it."
"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's not your fault. It's just..." Emeriel shook his head, his shaking hand smoothing out the wrinkles in his clothes.
"It's alright, I understand. I'm not even of royal lineage, and yet sometimes I feel that anger too. After they hurt you, force themselves upon you, you try to plead, but they laugh. Because you're a plaything, you're not supposed to beg." Amie's voice cracked a bit. "After that feeling of utter helplessness comes the anger. All-consuming. Overwhelming."
She understands.
The fact that someone understood brought tears to Emeriel's eyes. Impulsively, he pulled Amie into a hug, and the girl's arms wrapped around him. "I'm sorry. And thank you, Amie."
"It's alright, Prin—Emeriel. It's alright. I understand more than you think," the girl muttered.
When Emeriel withdrew from the embrace, he tried to hide his fear. Back in Navia, he was not so easily overcome by fear.
Perhaps it was because, although Navia was equally dreadful, it was somewhat better. There, he could fight. He could defend himself. But here, he was as physically weak as his circumstances.
Struggling to quell the fear inside him, he ran his hands through his disheveled hair.That was a close call. Too close.
Emeriel swallowed tightly. He was so tired.
All of a sudden, the urge to see Aekiera became a living thing inside him. He needed to see his sister. To ensure she was alright.
When their day's work finally came to an end, Emeriel and Amie walked together into the fortress. They parted ways in the slaves's quarters, and Emeriel set off to find his sister.
Although Aekiera had been assigned to work within the fortress, her status as the beast's sex slave remained unchanged. Therefore, she still had her chambers in the main area.
Emeriel opened the door to her bedchamber to find Aekiera in front of the mirror, brushing her hair. Her head snapped toward the door when it opened, and relief filled her eyes.
"Em!" she exclaimed, rushing towards him. Emeriel met her halfway, and they embraced passionately.
"I've been worried sick. It's been over a week." Emeriel pulled back and scrutinized his elder sister, searching for any signs of bruises or harm.
"I've been worried too, Em. I've tried to make a conscious effort to visit, but I always end up so exhausted by the end of the long days that I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the bed." Aekiera looked guilty, but Emeriel understood. Most days were like that for him as well.
"How are you doing, Keira? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Fetching water and emptying basins have their advantages. They keep you so busy that the slavemasters don't get the chance to act on whatever wicked thoughts they have. It's an advantage that comes in handy." Aekiera settled back into her chair, and Emeriel stood behind her, taking the brush from her. Then gently ran it through her blond locks.
"I'm glad to hear that."
"What about you, Em? I loathe the fact that they do not assign you a specific duty. They constantly change your tasks. It would be better if you had a consistent role, even if it meant enduring some stress. You would be at less risk of working for wicked slavemasters if you only interacted with a few of them," Aekeira expressed her concern. "Perhaps the cellar would be best."
"Not the cellar," Emeriel countered fast. Too fast.
Aekeira turned her head sharply. "What is wrong? Has anyone... Have those masters been cruel to you?"
Emeriel hesitated. But it was always hard lying to Aekiera. "Not both. One of them has…has taken an interest in me."
His sister froze, dread pooling in her eyes, worry replacing tiredness. "Oh, dear lord..."
"You need not worry," Emeriel was quick to add. Saddened by those looks, he aimed to make her feel better. "He has not acted on his desires yet. I reminded him that I belong to a grand lord, and it made him cautious."
"Nothing can make them cautious, Em. You do not have to lie to me. I understand I cannot always protect you, but it breaks my heart to think that after everything you went through with the beast not long ago, some useless master is onto you again." Aekeira's sorrowful eyes burned with anger. "Perhaps I should poison him."