Zaiper turned his pretentious, sorrowful eyes toward Ottai. "You are correct, Grand Lord Ottai. But how can they decide when they are kept in the dark? Most of them do not know that just last night during the festival, the beast escaped again."
Gasps spread through the crowd.
Zaiper continued. "We managed to contain the beast, of course. But imagine what might have happened if we had been too late—or made a mistake—and the beast had escaped the fortress?"
Eyes widened in horror, and the murmurs turned to frightened chatter. Amidst the clamor, a few words emerged.
"May Ukrae protect us."
"By the gods...!"
"I was at the festival. I could have been killed..."
"Silence, everyone," Lord Ottai commanded softly, and the square fell as quiet as a tomb. "This is a matter for the court. AsLord Zaiper mentioned, the beast was contained, and no harm came to anyone." He directed a pointed gaze at Zaiper. "Lord Zaiper should not stir fear among the people when the threat has been dealt with."
"The people have a right to know when their lives are at risk," Zaiper countered, his eyes shining with satisfaction.
"The grand king turned feral because of us," a woman suddenly spoke from the crowd. Her voice drew attention. "We would have all died that night if not for him. We are alive because of his sacrifice. So what if he is now mindless? What if his beast cannot recognize anyone, unable to distinguish between friend and foe? He saved us!”
“Yes!” the crowd shouted.
“He protected us!” the woman added fiercely.
“Yes!” they chorused.
“We are not ready to lose him!"
The crowd broke into uproarious cheers of agreement, clapping their hands.
Amidst all of it, Lord Vladya said nothing. Did nothing.
Arms crossed, he simply watched Zaiper spinning his web of influence among the people, who held firmly to their beliefs.
They weren’t ready yet.
Just as Vladya.
Throughout the day, Emeriel awoke twice to briefly eat before returning to slumber.
On both occasions, she cried out in pain, prompting Aekeira to be grateful that her sister's awakenings were short-lived. Aekeira pleaded with Madam Livia to administer a stronger pain reliever to Emeriel, but the woman insisted the additional doses would only harm her further.
In the afternoon, Lord Vladya visited while Emeriel was still asleep, leaving only Aekeira in attendance.
"He is not awake yet, my Lord." Aekeira bowed.
Lord Vladya tilted his head to the side. "When he awakes and is well enough, tell him to come to Blackstone. I would like to see him."
"Yes, my Lord," Aekeira avoided his gaze, keeping her head lowered. Something in this grand lord’s eyes made her feel apprehensive and nervous.
Something strange happened the previous night, but Aekeira abruptly shut the door on it, refusing to dwell upon it.
Emeriel finally woke during the night. After Aekeira fed her, Madam Livia had Amie prepare a basin for her to bathe in the room. Following the bath, Emeriel appeared better than she had been all day.
"How do you feel now?" Aekeira asked once they had settled Emeriel back onto the bed.
"Better," Emeriel replied with a soft, sad smile. "For a moment there, I was beginning to think I would not make it."
Guilt filled Aekeira's eyes. "I am so sorry about—"