He got lost many times, taking so many wrong turns he wondered if he was just walking in circles.

Just when he was about to give up, he noticed a familiar painting.I saw this last night.

Feeling hopeful, he kept going. Curious eyes of human slaves and Urekai maids followed him as he passed.

Emeriel pretended he was running an errand, acting like he had a purpose.They mustn’t suspect he was heading to the forbidden chambers.

But as he turned another corner, he came face-to-face with a group of Urekai soldiers.

He froze.

There were so many, far more than he expected. But it made sense, considering whose beast was locked in those chambers.

This was going to be more challenging than he thought.

Emeriel knew some fighting skills, but he doubted they would work against even one Urekai soldier, let alone so many.

The soldiers gave him a stern look.

"You have gone too far, new slave. Go back at once," one of them said in a deep voice.

"No, you don’t understand. I have to find my sister. She’s in the forbidden chambers," Emeriel said in a pleading tone.

The guards stiffened and exchanged looks.

Without a word, two of them stepped forward, grabbing Emeriel by the arms and pulling him away.

"No! Let me go, right now!" He fought with all his strength, but it was as useless as trying to kick solid rocks.

They dragged him out of the building and into the courtyard, where the busy movements of others surrounded them. Then they pushed him roughly, and Emeriel fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

One guard leaned down, his voice full of threat. "If we catch you near the fourth wing again, we’ll cut your head off," he growled.

With that, they walked away.

Tears filled Emeriel’s eyes as he lay there, helpless.

The Grand High Court of Ravenshadow Citadel had large walls, decorated with fancy paintings, fine carpets, needlework, and detailed fabric designs.

Two raised platforms stood out.

The first held three big chairs with fancy gold designs. Behind it, a second platform rose even higher, holding a bigger and more decorated throne.

Sitting on the three big chairs were Grand Lord Ottai, Grand Lord Vladya, and Grand Lord Zaiper. The single throne behind them, which belonged to Grand King Daemonikai, was empty.

"From the screams that echoed last night, I take it you went ahead with the plan, Lord Vladya," Zaiper said calmly, his manhood forced into the mouth of the slave girl kneeling before him.

"You are correct, Lord Zaiper," Vladya answered simply.

"We agreed the plan was not wise, did we not?” Zaiper expressed, his grip tightening on the slave's hair as he pushed her head down. “It’s time to accept that King Daemonikai is long gone. There’s no need to keep the beast alive anymore.No shapeshifter of any species—Urekai, Werewolf, Dragon—can return from a wild state. It’s just not possible."

"We all know that, Lord Zaiper," Ottai said, rolling his eyes. "We don’t hope for his recovery. But, while King Daemonikai may be gone, his beast is still here—very much alive and causing destruction, like any other feral. The difference is that ordinary ferals can be easily killed, but he cannot. We have tried before, or have you forgotten, Lord Zaiper?"

A flicker of discomfort crossed Zaiper’s face, though he tried to hide it. His grip on the human slave’s hair tightened, making her face turn red. He pressed her face forcefully onto his dick, holding her there even as she gagged and choked.

Vladya almost snorted at Zaiper’s weak attempt to hide his unease. Zaiper had nearly lost his life in his past attempt to kill the beast.

"Our best chance to destroy the beast is on the next Eclipse Moon night," Ottai said. "It’s been over five hundred years since the last one, so it should happen soon. Until then, we have to wait and make sure the beast does not escape and cause more destruction in search of sustenance."