Aekeira's heart was already aching. "The bonding failed again?"
“Oh, it was successful."
"What!?" Genuine joy, a flicker of warmth filled Aekeira. “But that's wonderful news!" Despite the tragedy of this story, Aekeira found unexpected happiness in this good news.
"For the first time in his life, the bonding ritual succeeded. Their souls intertwined, becoming one. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The joy on Vladya’s face when he announced that he could feel the bond. The sheer happiness in King Daemonikai’s face. It was one of the happiest moments of our lives. The entire Urai rejoiced for the grand lord. Everyone.” Merilyn's voice broke completely, a faraway look coming into her eyes. "That was a week before the Eclipse Moon night. "
"Oh no..." Aekeira's heart sank. Tears burned her own eyes.
Merilyn's tears flowed freely. "Their bonding ceremony was to take place after the Eclipse Moon. But that night...he watched her die. Murdered by the human King Memphis.” The words were choked out, almost inaudible. "Right in front of Vladya."
Aekeira couldn't hold back the sob that tore from her throat. Grief for Lord Vladya twisted within her. For what was given, and ruthlessly stolen from him. Her heart broke, a brutal force tearing it apart from the inside. By the gods, no wonder... it all made sense now.
Merilyn wiped her own tears, but her voice was thick with distress. "The screams he unleashed that night... His cries ofanguish... It was a sound that pierced the hearts of all who heard it. But even that...was not the end of it."
There's more...!?
Aekeira didn’t know if she could take more. She felt overwhelmed. It was simply too much for her to bear. All she wanted was to curl into a ball and weep until she fell asleep. A strong urge to find Grand Lord Vladya and give him a tight hug overwhelmed her, even if he might behead her for it. In that moment, Aekeira was willing to risk everything.
"As Vladya watched the life drain out of her, he grew desperate to save her. So, he chanted theHav'zie de Baah," Merilyn whispered, the words like a curse in the air.
Aekeira struggled to even pronounce the words. "W-what does that mean?"
"The words translate to 'The giver and the taker.'” Merilyn's voice was barely above a whisper. “Hav'zie de Baahis a potent and dark spell. Its incantations are known only to a few. It is one of the forbidden magic of our people, deemed too dangerous to be practiced. Some have dedicated centuries to studying the book of spells, yet cannot master a single spell. But on that dreadful night, Vladya, consumed by desperation, uttered the incantations."
Aekeira attempted to comprehend the magnitude of it all. "So, this magic grants wishes but something is taken in return?"
“Yes, in a way, it's a bargain. If you are desperate enough, you must offer something truly valuable. However, the drawback of this spell is that it can take without giving what one wishes for. Which is one of the reasons it was forbidden. Vladya knew the risks, but..." Merilyn's fist clenched, knuckles whitening with the echo of old grief.
Dread washed over Aekeira like icy water. "What did it take from him?" her voice quivered.
Silence answered her. The river babbled on, oblivious. A breeze rippled the water, and Aekeira shivered despite the warmth of the day.
"His soul." The words fell like stones into the silence. "During the chanting ofHav'zie de Baah, Vladya offered his soul as a sacrifice. The spell claimed his soul, but Tiara did not return."
"Gods!” Aekeira gasped in disbelief, stumbling back. She had heard Grand Lord Vladya mention that he had no soul before, but she had assumed it was metaphorical, not literal. "He has no soul...!?"
Merilyn nodded, eyes filled with a haunted sadness.
"And do you know the most tragic part?" Her voice was raw now. "Our souls are...everything. The very essence of our being. They ground us, keep our beasts in check, maintain our sanity, and so much more. A bond is an intertwining of souls. without a soul, one has no hope of ever finding a bondmate. No hope of ever knowing that connection. One would never recognize theirSoulbondeven if she miraculously appeared, and worst of all…” Merilyn stopped, fresh tears trailing down her chin. “Without a soul, one will go feral eventually. There is no stopping it. It is only a matter of time."
Chapter forty
"Grand Lord Vladya is going f-feral?" Aekeira was at a loss for words. Tears threatened to spill over. " Grand King Daemonikai?"
Merilyn nodded, the motion small and tight. "You’ve noticed...haven't you? Sometimes his behavior Wicked. Crazy."
Instantly, Aekeira's mind flashed to the first time he'd mounted her. Those absurd accusations. His bloodlust eyes and the snarl on his lips. The twisted pleasure on his face as he inflicted pain upon her.
"So you see, Aekeira, that is the tale of Lord Vladya.” Merilyn's voice was thick. “He lost everything on that horrible night. The only female who had ever connected with him as a bondmate, his soul. There will be no future bonding rituals for him. He isdisconnectedfrom his beast, among other things. In his long, long life, he will be alone forever. That is the root of his hatred."
Aekeira wept soundlessly, tears winning the battle, spilling down her cheeks. Her heart was in so much pain, Aekeira could barely breathe. The sheer enormity of what he'd lost was crushing.
Now it made sense. A terrible, heartbreaking kind of sense. Of course, hatred would consume him, burn hot like the sun itself.
She couldn't imagine enduring such devastation. She would have felt the same way he did. Hatred towards that species deeply rooted in her very being.