"Bare your back, slave!" The master's whip hissed through the air.

She closed her eyes, the rough fabric of her tunic suddenly suffocating against her skin. Just as the first blow was about to fall, the crack of the whip was drowned out by approaching footsteps, and a voice that cut through the air like a blade.

"Slavemaster, I am afraid that I must interrupt," a cool female voice interjected.

Hope, fragile as a sparrow's wing, flickered within Aekeira. But as she turned, that hope withered. The woman wasundeniably a wealthy lady with her extravagant gown and jewels. She was also heavily pregnant.

A mistress, perhaps? Aekeira's stomach twisted.

Aekeira recalled her encounter with Mistress Sinai and knew well that appearances could be deceiving. Even the seemingly gentlest Urekai mistress could be far crueler than the slavemasters.

Was this retribution? Had she come to make her pay for being the cause of Mistress Sinai’s punishment?

"I hope you don't mind if I borrow your slave?" the mistress added, her voice as smooth and polished as the gems at her throat.

The slavemaster, previously puffed with rage, deflated. The whip fell from his numb fingers. "Of course, M-mistress," he stammered, bowing so low his greasy hair nearly brushed the dirt.

The mistress's gaze landed on Aekeira, heavy and appraising. "Come with me," she commanded, her tone brokering no argument. She turned, her swollen belly shifting beneath the elaborate fabric of her dress.

Aekeira straightened her tunic, the harsh material rough against her fear-slicked skin. She fell into step behind the mistress, her every sense strained. The mistress's maidservants trailed behind, their gazes sharp as needles. The silence between her and the mistress stretched, each unasked question tightening the knot in Aekeira's gut.

Who was this woman? What did she want from her?

Chapter thirty-nine


The unknown mistress led Aekeira through the courtyard of the southern Wings, then deep into the western wings. With every step, Aekeira's dread deepened.

Slaves and soldiers alike bowed low as they passed, whispers rustling in their wake. This woman held power, a palpable force that thrummed in the air around her.

Finally, they stopped by the river, its gentle murmur a stark contrast to the tension crackling between them. "I am Lady Merilyn," the woman declared, her voice clear and cool. "Bondmate to High Lord Henry, overseer of domestic affairs. And—" she paused, her lips curving in the barest hint of a smile "—bloodhost to the third ruler of Urai."

Aekeira's eyes widened. "You are Grand Lord Vladya's bloodhost?” Now it all made sense, the deference – this woman was not only the closest to a grand lord but also the wife of a high lord of the court.

The mistress nodded. "And you are the human princess, Aekeira, am I correct?"

"Yes, Mistress," Aekeira confirmed, her voice small.

"I have been eager to meet you. My…condition has made navigating this vast fortress quite difficult." Her gaze swept over Aekeira, lingering in a way that sent a shiver down her spine. "You are remarkably beautiful for a human. Now I understand why Vlad is so… captivated."

The last word hung in the air, heavy and strange. Aekeira blinked, utterly baffled. "Huh?" What did the mistress mean? Captivated?

"I have heard that Grand Lord Vladya has taken a particular interest in you. Is it true that he has claimed you?" The question, while not unexpected, felt like a hand closing around Aekeira's throat.

"Uhm… I don't under—"

"He mounts you, does he not?" The mistress's bluntness sliced through Aekeira's hesitation.

Her cheeks burned, but the truth was unavoidable. She nodded, a single, jerky movement.

"And how was it?" the mistress pressed, her eyes glinting with an unreadable curiosity.

"Painful. He is not... gentle.”Understatement of the century.The fact that Lord Vladya hadn't killed her yet was honestly surprising. “He despises me.”

"I know he does. Vlad has his reasons for harboring a deep-seated hatred of humankind. That's why I find his desire for you...intriguing. You see, although Vlad may detest humans, he generally refrains from sexually engaging with them. Despite having countless human slaves over the centuries, he hasnevertaken any of them to his bed." Lady Merilyn tilted her head, studying Aekeira like a specimen.

That revelation was unexpected. Confusing. At least now Aekeira understood why Vladya had accused her of witchcraft.