"Very well then. From this day forward, Aekeira has been relieved of her duties, and you, Emeriel, are henceforth the only beast’s slave.”
Emeriel felt the weight lifting from within him, and his heart grew lighter. Any form of salvation from this tough life, no matter how small, brought him some consolation.
The thought of his sister living without the constant fear of being subjected to the beast's advances was enough to bring him a measure of relief.
"May I request something else, Your Highness?" A blush crept up Emeriel's neck, eyes downcast. "I would like a room in the southern wing as well."
Lord Vladya's brows snapped together in a frown. "I said you could have only one—"
"I mean, if I were close to the grand king's beast, it would be easier for me to spend more time with it, wouldn't it?” Without missing a beat, Emeriel jumped in, his mind working fast.
“Additionally, if the beast were to break free because of me, it wouldn't have to roam far, right? That chamber is closer to the forbidden chambers than the slave quarters.”
A thoughtful silence fell as Grand Lord Vladya mulled it over. Emeriel held his breath. He really wanted to stay close to his sister.
"Very well. I shall issue an order. You may have the room next to your sister," the grand lord said at last.
Emeriel broke into a wide grin, accompanied by a deep bow. "Thank you ever so much! Your kindness overwhelms me, Your Majesty!"
Lord Vladya waved away the gratitude. "Let us now discuss the fact that your life may be in jeopardy. I hate to entertain the notion, but there might be individuals who would go to great lengths to ensure that King Daemonikai remains gone. These people would stop at nothing to eliminate anyone they perceive as a hindrance to their plans. Anyone they deem an enemy."
Emeriel stood at a loss for words. His life in danger? "But why would they wish to harm me?”
Grand Lord Vladya arched his eyebrow.
Emeriel’s shoulders slumped, and he averted his eyes. "The truth is," he began, "I don't think I have anything to do with the grand king's progress. How could I? I'm just a small, insignificant human. Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding..." His words trailed off, his voice thick with sincerity.
"But...if there's even a sliver of a chance...if there's something I can do to aid him, then I will." Emeriel squared his shoulders. "I'll do whatever it takes."
Grand Lord Vladya scrutinized Emeriel. His gaze piercing, his expression unreadable.
"Perhaps I am mistaken regarding the danger to your life. Nevertheless, I am not taking any chances," Lord Vladya said with conviction. "I will be absent for three days. During this time, the maids will prepare a room for you here in Blackstone. You will reside and work within these walls for the next three days. Under no circumstances should you venture beyondBlackstone. In my absence, I cannot ensure your safety outside my domain. Do you understand?"
A knot tightened in Emeriel's stomach. "Yes, my lord. Um... might I see Aekeira? Just for a little while?" All of this sounded extremely serious. Apart from the Mistress, Emeriel couldn't imagine any powerful person wanting him dead. The thought was terrifying.
"Your sister may visit." Vladya dismissed him with a wave. "You may leave. Do not get yourself into trouble. Do not get yourself killed."
Chapter thirty-eight
In the following two days, Emeriel was relocated to Blackstone and Lord VLadya departed on his journey. He was assigned to work in the gardens—a prospect that filled him with unexpected relief.
Emeriel had always envied the slaves who worked in the gardens, drawn to the earthy scents and the quiet rhythm of tending to life. It had been one of his indulgences back in Navia—a haven of peace amid a life of turmoil.
Emeriel couldn't be certain whether it was due to what had happened in court or if the slaves in Blackstone were simply different, but he noticed a change in the way he was treated.
The slavemasters no longer bellowed at him, and his fellow slaves no longer sought reasons to harm him. Even the Urekai maids displayed a newfound respect. They observed him with curiosity as he moved about and generally stayed out of his way.
Aekeira began visiting more frequently as well. Once she had finished her tasks, she would hasten to help Emeriel with his work.
Of course, they had to be discreet about it, as the slavemasters frowned upon slaves aiding one another.
However, yesterday, while Aekeira balanced a brimming clay jug, helping Emeriel soak the thirsty flowerbeds, the slavemaster in charge of their duties caught them. Emeriel tensed, the watering can slipping from his numb fingers, and they sprang upright, rigid as the dried stalks bordering the garden.
Like cornered mice, they awaited their punishment. Surprisingly, the slavemaster ignored them, leaving Emeriel utterly bewildered, and relieved.
Aekeira was overjoyed when Emeriel shared the news of her meeting with Grand Lord Vladya. Tears streamed down her face, hot and unchecked, as she expressed her happiness.