"Aekeira? Is it you?" a whisper drifted from behind the door. "I have been waiting."
Sinai set to work on the locks. The clanging sounds of metal disrupted the stillness of the air.
"What are you doing!? You know you cannot enter here!" the boy protested.
Sinai swung open the sturdy oak door and strode inside. The boy's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her, and she quickly lowered her gaze to the ground.
A growl came from behind Emeriel before the beast moved from behind the barricades to stand protectively behind the boy. Letting out a warning hiss, its tail curled up in the air with its pointed tip poised to strike.
"You would shieldhimfromme?" Sinai whispered, her voice filled with betrayal and hurt. “His kind is responsible for your suffering! They did this to you! They murdered your beloved Alvin and Myka, and yet you keep him here with you?"
The beast did not react. Her Daemon could not even hear her. His tail remained poised, and he issued another warning snarl, while the prince gave her a wary look.
Sinai fixed Emeriel with a firm gaze. "Step away from him. Now."
The boy didn't obey immediately, the pause enough to further ignite Sinai's anger.
She was tempted to strike him then and there, her hand itching to connect with his cheek. But Sinai wasn't foolish, not unless she wanted to die.
Finally, the boy complied. He moved to the opposite end of the room, near the closed window, and huddled there.
Sinai shifted her attention back to her beast. "Here, my darling, I have come to feed you," she murmured seductively, baring her neck.
The feral took a deep inhale and grunted.
It wasn't much of an enthusiastic response, but fortunately, he followed Sinai as she backed away towards the wall.
Grand Lord Vladya was making his way back to Blackstone when Zaiper joined him on his stroll. "Tell me, when do we schedule our next court meeting? We still need to discuss the events of the Harvest Ceremony," Zaiper inquired.
Lord Vladya cast a brief glance at him. "I have a meeting with Azrael, do you not remember?"
"Azrael, who is that? Oh, the werewolf king. I had forgotten about that. What is the purpose of the discussion again?”
"A trade agreement. They seek to establish trade relations with us. This matter has been under consideration for years, and we have deliberated on it numerous times in court. Yet, you seem to forget about it constantly," Lord Vladya pointed out as he continued walking.
Zaiper had never shown much interest in the affairs of the land; it had been that way for centuries.
He shrugged indifferently. "Well, it slips my mind occasionally. Just brief me on the details, will you?"
"They possess the most fertile lands of all the species. If we can reach a favorable negotiation, we gain access to one of their territories while they trade in one of ours."
"Mmm." Zaiper nodded, displaying a newfound interest. "So, the deal seems promising?"
"It does," Vladya confirmed.
"In that case, I hope it proves successful. How long will you be away this time?"
"Three days."
Lord Zaiper grumbled under his breath. "Very well. When you return, we shall convene a meeting. For now, I must indulge myself in the sweet pleasures of a slave's body. Speaking of which, what about that pretty princess? I hear you have been taking your share of her."
Vladya stiffened. There was no way he would think or discuss her. So, he maintained his silence.
"That girl must be too good, huh? For you to mount her. Repeatedly. I know you don't do humans, let alone unwilling ones, so it kind of baffles me, is all. She must be really sweet."
Lord Vladya remained silent, refusing to dignify Zaiper's words with a response.
Zaiper grinned, clearly enjoying himself. "So, are you done with her?"