Vladya buried his face in Merilyn's neck and inhaled deeply. "Too much. Dark, dark things. I had her once, but it wasn't nearly enough," he spoke against her skin.
"Then why restrain yourself? You're Grand Lord Vladya. You don't hold back when you want something."Sorry, Princess Aekeira, but I have to give him a purpose to fight."If you want her so much, perhaps she means something to you. Maybe she's special."
"She means nothing,” he stated firmly. “I don't want her to mean anything."
Oh, Vladya. If only fate worked the way we wanted it to. It would have approved of our bond when we were so deeply in love.
"All I'm saying is, there's no need to hold back when you want her so much."
And if she truly is the one for him, then Merilyn pities her greatly. For she must tread a path of profound darkness to reach the damaged male within, mourning all that he has lost. And, he lost a lot.
Chapter thirty-one
The air was filled with anticipation as the celebration of the bountiful harvest commenced. The hall, adorned with lavish decorations, overflowed with lords and the privileged class, indulging in an abundance of food and drink.
Outside, the common folk gathered in the arenas, reveling in the festivities. The fortress teemed with a joyful crowd, within the grand high court and throughout the compound.
Emeriel found himself serving drinks in the High Court alongside the other slaves who hadn't been introduced. Laughter and cheers filled the air as the joyous lords celebrated, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the grand kings.
Lord Gaff, the overseer of Ceremonial Affairs, addressed the gathering while they clinked their glasses, while some lords were already indulging in sexual acts with their slaves, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"This year's harvest may not have matched the abundance of the previous year, but it still provided us with more than enough. Let us drink to the prosperity of our realm while we await thearrival of our grand lords," Lord Gaff announced, and the crowd erupted in cheers, raising their glasses in unison.
Emeriel tried to conceal his anxiety, which had been building since the gathering of the crowd and the commencement of the ceremony. He longed for all these to be over already.
His eyes sought out Lord Herod, who was smiling and enjoying a drink while engaged in conversation with another lord. Herod's slave sat dutifully at his feet.
"Slave, bring more wine!" a lord barked at Emeriel, interrupting his thoughts. He quickly obeyed the command, rushing off to fulfill the order.
If you avoid drawing too much attention to yourself, you should be fine. Blend in with the crowd. Minglewith the other slaves.
The pep talk wasn’t helping much, but it aided in maintaining focus. He caught sight of Aekeira in her green garment, serving food at the far end of the court to the privileged families who had been invited to partake in the harvest celebration.
The slaves who had been introduced were stationed in a different corner, clad in green attire, while Emeriel and the others like him donned red garments.
At least Aekeira would not be subjected to harm in the court today.
The familiar sound of trumpets signaled the arrival of the rulers, and a loud shout followed, "All rise for the arrival of our esteemed rulers.
“His Majesty, Grand Lord Zaiper, the almighty second sovereign ruler of Urai and the sole leader of Greyrock. The northern wings!
“His Majesty, Grand Lord Vladya, the almighty third sovereign ruler of Urai and the sole leader of Blackstone. The western wings!
“His Majesty, Grand Lord Ottai, the almighty fourth sovereign ruler of Urai and the sole leader of Mabblewood. The Eastern Wings!
“All hail the grand rulers!"
Everyone in attendance performed a deep, full bow as the grand entrance opened and the rulers made their way in. Emeriel dutifully bowed along with the rest, joining in the chorus of "All hail the grand rulers."
"You may all rise," announced Grand Lord Zaiper after they had taken their seats, and everyone straightened up. The lords sat down, and the slaves resumed their duties.
The grand entrance opened once again, and the mistresses paraded in. There were at least ten of them, some daughters of the lords, others belonging to the grand lords, and amongst them were bloodhosts.
Emeriel recognized one amongst them—Mistress Sinai. the bloodhost to Grand King Daemonikai. She was the lady who had ordered him to be whipped.
As if on cue, Mistress Sinai's gaze locked onto Emeriel, glaring at him.