"I do not care. They have made their beds, and they shall lie in them," Vladya said defiantly.

A heavy sigh followed. "It would be heartless to send that girl in to service the beast without any inkling of what to expect. I know you have no love for humans, and frankly, neither do I, but we can surely do better than that," Lord Ottai reasoned.

"Do as you wish, Ottai. Tell them everything or tell them nothing. I care not,” Vladya stated. “Whether she lives or dies, I care not either. I shall throw in the pretty little prince next, and if he perishes too, I shall be on the next carriage to the next human kingdom to select another princess for him. That is the only aspect of this that concerns me."

A silence fell, leaving Emeriel's mind racing with fear and disbelief.

Service the beast? Die?

Emeriel was horrified. I must rescue Aekeira! We need to escape!

"I know you are there, pretty prince. I can smell you," Lord Vladya's voice rang out.

Emeriel gasped, frozen in place as Lord Vladya’s imposing figure emerged from the door. His cold, lifeless gray and yellow eyes fixed upon Emeriel.

Instinctively, Emeriel took a step back. Then another.

Lord Vladya smirked. "I would advise against whatever thoughts are brewing in that little head of yours. You have no inkling of where you are, do you?"

Emeriel could only discern they were in the tallest, most fortified fortress he had ever seen. He shook his head, his fear palpable.

"You are in Ravenshadow," Lord Ottai said, coming up behind the scarred Lord.


The Ravenshadow!?

No, by the Light, this cannot be happening.

"R-Ravenshadow Citadel? The home of the f-four grand rulers of the Urekai. The Whispering Abyss of great power?" Emeriel blurted out, unable to contain his terror any longer.

Lord Ottai snorted. "That is what humans call it. We do not. But yes, you are correct. You are in the Ravenshadow Citadel, Prince Emeriel."

"You do not need me to inform you this is the most secure place in Urai, with vast lands where you could get lost if you tried to escape." Lord Vladya smirked. “A vortex that would swallow you, never to be seen again. There is no escape from Ravenshadow."

Emeriel heard their words, but his mind was consumed by far greater fear.

"The four grand rulers of the Urekai reside here?" Emeriel mused, dreadfully.

"They do." Lord Ottai sounded mildly amused, drawing Emeriel's attention.

Emeriel had no idea he'd said that out loud.

Inching closer to Lord Ottai—he seemed the less intimidating and a preferable choice in that moment—Emeriel threw weary glances at the scarred lord. "I have heard rumors about Urekai.”

“What exactly did you hear?” Lord Ottai asked.

“They are said to be deadly, unpredictable, and almost feral in their actions."Emeriel listed off on his fingers as he rambled. "Their mating habits are said to be as brutal as their killings, and while they have bloodhosts, they prefer to drain humans' blood. And, after their king ran wild, they—"

"Terrific. Just what I needed to hear," Lord Vladya added in a dry tone.

Lord Ottai, still somewhat amused, spoke up, "I will leave the briefing to Lord Vladya. I need to attend to the council."

What!? Please do not leave me with him!Emeriel almost shouted. But he bit his lips hard, restraining himself.

Lord Vladya, however, did not hold back. "Think again, Lord Ottai. There is no way I will—"

"Would you prefer Lord Zaiper handle the briefing then?" Lord Ottai asked quietly.