She had many questions, but she understood probing her master would lead nowhere.

He stood, removing his cloak. Without it, his muscular form was fully visible. Broad and undeniably attractive.

Though bonded to Henry and deeply in love with him, Merilyn still possessed excellent vision. Her sharp eyes had often beendrawn to Vladya’s sculpted physique over the past thousand years.

One would expect a male of nearly four thousand years to show signs of age, but Lord Vladya looked like a human in his early thirties.

"Feed me, Merilyn," he ordered softly.

"As you command, my lord." Merilyn did not know when he would summon her again, so she prepared herself to serve him in the old ways. That way, the nourishment would last longer inside of him.

She undressed completely, standing naked before him. Then, despite her pregnancy making it difficult, she knelt. Tilting her head, she offered her neck.

Vladya noticed her position and stopped. He stepped closer, pulling her to her feet. "You should not kneel in your condition," he said, guiding her to a nearby wall and pressing her against it.

The deep yellow in his eyes showed that his beast was close to the surface. Once again, Merilyn tilted her head, exposing her neck.

His lips parted, revealing long fangs. His tongue swept over the spot where he would bite, pushing his elixir into her. Then, with a swift motion, his fangs pierced her skin.

The elixir dulled any pain from the bite, replacing it with the familiar, natural pleasure Merilyn had come to know over the centuries.

Merilyn moaned as familiar sensations flooded her. Arousal was a natural side effect of bloodfeeding for Urekai. It varied in strength though, some more intense than others.

"Yes, my lord. Drink your fill," she whispered, cradling his head as distant screams echoed in the background.

Merilyn was lost in the waves of pleasure surging through her body. Vladya no longer filled her with pheromones—not sinceshe bonded with Henry—but he gave just enough to ensure the feeding caused no pain.

Even so, the natural arousal still coursed through her.

"Yes, my lord, continue to feed from me. Just like that," she cried softly. Despite her efforts to keep control, her pregnancy hormones, combined with the overwhelming effects of feeding her master, made it nearly impossible.

The tickle of his strong fangs and the firm pulls as he suckled sent irresistible sensations to her feminine core and breasts.

Merilyn moaned again, giving in to her desires, shamelessly spreading her legs and pressing her swollen, aching womanhood against his hard, muscular leg.

Blood rushed through her body, pumping faster into her veins as he drank. She felt so full—she depended on him to drain her, or it would become really uncomfortable.

In the distance, another scream broke through the night. Then another. And another.

A deep, pleasured growl rumbled from Lord Vladya as he drank greedily. Moisture dripped down her thigh, staining his breeches. The pressure inside her grew unbearable. She needed release.

"Please," she whimpered, her mind clouded, her senses overwhelmed.

Lord Vladya shook his head briefly and continued feeding.

"I need you inside me," she begged.

He drank until his hunger was satisfied, ignoring her pleas. Then he sealed the bite mark and stepped back.

When their eyes met, she saw the same arousal reflected in his gaze.Why would he deny us both?

"I ache so much, Vlad," she cried, pressing closer to him, a moan escaping her lips. "Please, give me the pleasure of your manhood. I need it so bad."

He pressed a tender kiss upon her forehead. "It is the delirium speaking, Merl. You love your bondmate, and you do not wish to hurt him that way."

"No, no, I want you. Henry knows that I am your bloodhost. He understands and accepts what it means," she protested.

"But you will hate yourself after the hunger is sated. It is not acceptable, my dear," his voice was strained, but he pulled away. "We need to resist the pull. But I will help you."