Perhaps it was because he understood the need to save someone dear to you, knowing deep down that you cannot savethem. Perhaps it was because he knew what it felt like to love someone dearly, the desire to shield them from all harm.
But all he felt now was weariness as he regarded the once-human princess. Her face was swollen, streaked with smeared makeup, tainted red by grief, and dampened by tears.
"Aekeira, you cannot save him now. You can only hope that he retains even the smallest flicker of life when the beast is finished with him." He told her yet again.
He had uttered those words repeatedly to the stubborn female, yet they yielded the same effect. She cried louder, staring at the path leading to her brother with longing, commencing her plea once more.
The young slave girl whom he had sent to Livia's chambers returned, bearing a potion with her. "Here it is, my lord."
"Give it to her," he gestured to the female kneeling before him. Then, to Aekeira, he ordered in a calm tone, "Drink it. It shall help you calm down."
"No! No, I doNOTwish to calm down! I want to save my brother, I—"
"I cannot help your brother if you don't take that potion, Aekeira,” he interjected, his tone steady.
The girl's brown eyes widened and she quickly accepted the potion, consuming its contents. "Will you help Em?" Her voice was small, filled with hope.
"Yes.” In a way, it was not a lie.
Vladya had no intention of going in there to rescue the boy. But, if the boy were to scream, his sister might act rashly, endangering herself, and her brother, as well as half the people in Ravenshadow tonight. That was something he could not allow to happen.
Within seconds, the princess's eyes grew heavy, her head drooping dizzily. The next moment, she was fast asleep.
A soldier hastened forward. "I will take her away, my lord." He bowed, preparing to do so.
"No." With just one word, the soldier halted instantly. "I will take her."
Lifting the girl into his arms, Vladya took a step forward, but stilled. A wave of hunger crashed over him. It was subtle, yet surprising.
He did not feel any attraction towards humans. Hatred was the only emotion he had harbored towards their kind for a very long time. And that was how he wanted to remain.
But as he walked out of Frostfall, and into Blackstone, questions flooded his mind.
Why had the beast gone after that young human male? No matter how hard he pondered, he could not fathom a reason for it.
Daemonikai had never shown interest in males during his lifetime, and even if he had, it would not be sufficient reason for his feral to seek out one single male.
Could the boy be Daemonikai'sSoulbond?
He snorted.Why would I even entertain such a thought?Vladya would have chuckled if he were capable of laughter. The idea was so preposterous it bordered on the absurd.
Soulbondswere incredibly rare. So rare, in fact, that many believed them to be extinct.
Only a handful of bondmates in his time had beenSoulbonds, and Vladya had lived for nearly four thousand years.
And a man simply is not a bondmate to another male. It was just impossible. Right?
Even if, by some miracle, the boy were a Syren and Daemonikai'sSoulbond, it still would not explain why the wild beast would recognize him. The beast was feral now. Mindless. Devoid of thought.
Ferals were known to even kill their bondmates and offspring.So, what in the name of Ukrae is happening here?
Chapter eleven
The beast climbed onto the bed. Its red, intimidating manhood pointing straight at Emeriel.
She whimpered, trying to squeeze her legs together, but the beast growled angrily. Emeriel froze.