"Do you truly believe you can just waltz in here and take them?" Zaiper's voice dripped with venom. "You overestimate yourself, Vladya."
Vladya paused, his gaze piercing. "What is the real issue here, Zaiper? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is not about the girl at all, but the boy. You lured him here by abducting his sister, but why? Why all this elaborate theater?" His voice lowered, every word a weighted accusation. "If I were less informed, I might suspect you simply want the boy dead."
"That is preposterous!" Lord Zaiper blustered, his hand forming a fist.
"I am not accusing you of anything," Vladya continued calmly. "I am merely speculating what conclusions I might draw if I didn't know better. If I have misunderstood, then you would have no reason to object to me taking them, do you?"
A tense silence filled the room, each man holding the other's gaze.
Emeriel and Aekeira stood side by side, their shoulders brushing, fingers interlaced behind their backs, forming a united front.
"The beast requires its sustenance, Zaiper. Right now. He is already irritable. You and I both know what follows—an escape from its confines," Lord Vladya's voice remained steady, his composure unruffled. "One of them will proceed directly from here to the forbidden chambers to fulfill their duties. The sooner you release them, the sooner we can prevent disaster."
"Very well." Zaiper's concession was a grudging growl. "Take the boy. The girl stays. That's my final offer."
Vladya stiffened, his eyes flickering between the siblings. Emeriel's face was etched with dread, while Aekeira's eyes brimmed with terror.
A choice had to be made. He had come to rescue Emeriel. And he had succeeded in securing the boy. Vladya typicallyavoided confrontations like this. Zaiper was exceedingly skittish, believing everyone to be challenging his claim to the grand throne. Vladya had no desire for the throne and no intention of directly challenging Zaiper's rule. He cared little for whatever Zaiper did. Thus, he should accept the offer and depart.
However, the same gnawing unease that had gripped him two days ago when Zaiper spoke of Aekeira, resurfaced with renewed ferocity. It was a primal instinct, protective and vengeful.
No, he did not want Zaiper to have her just yet.
"What is your decision, Lord of Blackstone? You may depart with the boy, but..." Zaiper moved closer to Aekeira, positioning himself behind her, and roughly cupping her breast. "But the girl stays. Or you can take the girl while the boy remains. Either way works for me."
"No. I will depart with the boy," Vladya asserted firmly.
"And the girl?"
"I will take her as well. As I said, I am not finished with her. You can have your turn later," Vladya proclaimed with calm.
Aekeira's eyes flashed with anger and hurt, and tears filled them as she locked gazes with Vladya, who met her stare for a fleeting moment.
Unfazed, his expression remained stoic, his face devoid of emotion, as he shifted his attention to Zaiper. "She is still my whore. You can have my leftovers later."
"I've heard that before," Zaiper hissed, a cruel smile twisting his lips. "But my patience is not infinite. I look forward to sharing. The girl desires me, after all. Remember how eager she was to disrobe for me in court?"
Vladya's eyes darkened, but he offered no response. He turned on his heel and strode towards the exit. "Follow me, slaves," he commanded.
Emeriel and Aekeira hurried after him, the guards bowing as they passed, their eyes wide with a mix of awe and fear.
They proceeded in tense silence out of Greyrock, Lord Vladya's shoulders stiff, tension emanating from him in waves. Emeriel suddenly wished he could hide his vulnerable sister away where neither Lord Vladya nor Lord Zaiper could find her.
Even though Emeriel would readily choose Lord Vladya over the monstrous Lord Zaiper, both men posed a threat to Aekeira. And while Lord Zaiper was openly cruel and sadistic, Lord Vladya possessed a darkness within him that chilled Emeriel to the bone.
Emeriel was truly beginning to grasp the gravity of the grand lord's warning about the potential danger to his life.
Upon reaching the southern wing, Lord Vladya stopped and faced them.
His gaze bore into Emeriel's, fixing him with a stern look. "I expressly forbade you to leave Blackstone."
"For-forgive me, Your Majesty," Emeriel stammered. "My sister was in danger, and I—"
"Did you truly believe you could rescue her from Zaiper, Emeriel? When will you understand the reality of your existence in this land? This is Urai, not some human kingdom. You have no power to make anything possible here. You are nothing more than a slave. The lowest rung of the hierarchy. Less than dirt beneath our feet. Lower than a sewer rat."
Pain lanced Emeriel's heart. Yet he held his ground, refusing to let Lord Vladya witness the extent of his wounded emotions. He would not allow the grand lord to see how deeply his words cut.
"I like that fire in your eyes," Lord Vladya's voice was deceptively calm, the words like honey laced with poison. "Let it burn. Embrace it, for it will serve you well. It will stop you from making foolish decisions."