The profound relief that washed over Emeriel's face nearly moved Aekeira to tears. She had truly lost all hope of being rescued, hadn’t she? "I'm so sorry, Em."

"Please, do not apologize, Keira." Emeriel mustered a faint smile. "Thank you, sister. For a moment there, I feared she would scourge my back and sear my skin with her branding iron."

Both directed their gaze toward the mistress.

Emeriel never imagined anything could instill fear in the Urekai female, but her cowering in the presence of Grand Lord Vladya proved him wrong. Emeriel couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction at the sight.

"What do you think you were doing? Did you really believe I wouldn't find out that you went against my orders and killed the boy?" Lord Vladya snapped.

Emeriel couldn't tell what was worse. His controlled fury, or an outburst? The quiet anger he exuded was truly terrifying.

"Why do you intervene on his behalf? He is but a filthy human! He angered me, and I desired to punish him! What is wrong with that?" Mistress Sinai screamed in anger, her cheeks flushed. "Their lives are worthless! You know it, and I know it."

"I care not for your opinion, nor do I concern myself with your reasons. You have disobeyed a direct order, Sinai, and forthat, I must punish you," Vladya declared, his gaze piercing hers. "You shall be confined to your chambers for a week. You are forbidden from venturing outside for any reason whatsoever. Your meals shall be delivered to you, and should you require anything urgent from beyond your chambers, your maidservants shall attend to it. Under no circumstances should you set foot outside your bedroom, for if you do, I shall personally throw you into the Hole."

Emeriel winced. She'd heard Urekai mention the Hole a time or two—a place of punishment, a nightmare made real. A dark, enclosed, small space where time itself became the torturer, the endless dark a suffocating weight. Their beasts, unable to bear the disorientation, would lash out in a frenzy, bringing unbearable pain to their Urekai form.

Mistress Sinai paled. "You would subject me to chamber arrest for the sake of a filthy human? You w-would throw me in-into the Hole?" She appeared utterly betrayed. Devastated.

Closing the remaining distance between them, Vladya grasped Mistress Sinai's jaw. "Consider yourself fortunate that the torture you planned had not yet begun, Sinai. Otherwise, I would have thrown you straight into the Hole.” He tilted her face upward, forcing her eyes to meet his. "This has nothing to do with the humans and everything to do with your disobedience. Next time you go against my command, I will punish you severely.” He sneered, “Guards."

Two soldiers stepped forward from where the mistress had stationed them. "Yes, Your Majesty," they chorused, their voices rough and obedient.

"Escort the mistress back to her quarters," he ordered, his tone as sharp and unforgiving as a honed blade. They moved with mechanical efficiency, their hands gripping Mistress Sinai's arms despite her struggles.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving glistening tracks on her pale skin. Her sobs echoed in the stone chamber as they led her away.

Turning abruptly, Lord Vladya directed his gaze toward Emeriel and Aekeira, his eyes like chips of ice.

They quickly lowered their heads, hearts pounding against their ribs. Emeriel was stunned by the manner in which Lord Vladya had dealt with the mistress. It was entirely unexpected. Judging by the subtle stiffening of Aekeira's shoulders, she too was taken aback.

"Tell Livia to have the boy bathed and freshened up. Emeriel and I need to have a discussion," Lord Vladya instructed Yaz, "I want him brought to my chambers as soon as possible."

Then, Lord Vladya turned on his heel, his gaze already fixed on the door. With determined steps, his cloak swirling in his wake, he exited the chamber without a backward glance.

Chapter thirty-seven


Emeriel dressed, his fingers working the fabric of his tunic. Across the room, Aekeira paced anxiously, her restless steps loud in the room.

Each spoke of her deep worry and unease.

"Keira, I've told you not to dwell on it so much.” Emeriel tried to reassure her, smiling despite the knot of tension in his own chest. “Worrying won't make things better."

She paused mid-step, turning to face him with troubled eyes. "But why would he want to see you, Em? What if he blames you for what happened in court? What if he accuses you of..." She hesitated, biting her lip. "What if he accuses you of witchcraft?"

Emeriel gave her a delusional look. "Witchcraft? Seriously?"

Aekeira fidgeted. "Look, Grand Lord Vladya is so strange, Em.” she resumed pacing. “He’s unpredictable. That’s why I’m so worried. You never know what he’s thinking."

Emeriel let out a quiet sigh. "I believe if he intended to punish me, he wouldn’t have waited to bring me to his chambers. He would have punished me alongside Mistress Sinai." Pullinghis tunic over his head and smoothing the fabric as he spoke. "Besides, he followed you to rescue me from that place, did he not? I don’t think he went through all that trouble just to punish me."

"Well, when you put it like that, you might have a point," Aekeira admitted reluctantly.

"How are you feeling, Emeriel?" Madam Livia asked. "I did not attend court, but I heard what happened. Everyone did.”

“Is it bad?” Aekeria asked.