A muscle twitched on Lord Vladya's jaw and he gave Emeriel a hard look, as if actually considering the option.
Lord Ottai must have picked up on that, quickly adding, "You know you don't want that to happen. Besides, let us not forget the favor you owe me. Remember that?"
Lord Vladya glared at him, and Lord Ottai offered a wolfish smile. "I believe it's time to collect. You do the briefing. Off I go." With that, Lord Ottai strode away, exuding an air of sophistication with every step.
Finally, Emeriel and Lord Vladya stood facing each other.
"Come." Lord Vladya began walking, and Emeriel fell into step behind him.
"Forget whatever rumors may have spread in the human realm. Some may hold a grain of truth, but most are truly bizarre.” Lord Vladya looked mildly annoyed. “However, I will not delve into the vast knowledge of our kind, for it is too extensive to cover. Instead, I will share the parts that pertain to your sister's presence here."
Emeriel braced himself.
"Five hundred years ago, and even before that, my people and humans coexisted peacefully. Grand King Daemonikai made sure of that."
Grand King Daemonikai.
The mere mention of the name had goosebumps spreading on Emeriel's skin, knees quaking in barely concealed fear.
One of the oldest Urekai to have ever existed, his reputation was known throughout the world, even to a child born in present times.
He wasn’t just one of the four rulers, he was the very first. The ultimate ruler.
His power and strength were legendary. Some even suggested he couldn't be killed.
That name,Daemonikai,was one that struck terror into the hearts of every species existing in this world.
"His son, Alvin, made friends with a human prince," Lord Vladya continued. "During a conversation over a glass of champagne, Alvin, in a drunken state, told the prince the secrets of our people. The Eclipse Moon night."
“A night when the Urekai were naturally stripped of their power and strength by the moon, right?" Emeriel asked, wondering if the rumors were true. "It comes every five hundred years, rendering you lots incredibly weak. Weaker than a newborn baby. Vulnerable to attack,”
The scarred Urekai stopped and eyed Emeriel, nodding before walking again. "What Alvin didn't know was the prince's father used his son to gather information about us. King Memphis had his eyes set on our land. To make a long story short, the humans breached our defenses and attacked us on the Eclipse Moon night, inflicting significant damage upon our kingdom."
A shadow crossed Lord Vladya's eyes. "Many of our people were killed. The survival of the Urekai was largely due to the efforts of the four rulers, particularly Daemonikai." He looked distant, as if he could see that night playing out before him. "Daemonikai exerted every ounce of his strength to save his people. Sacrificed everything he had... knowing the consequences it would bring."
Consequences? Emeriel suddenly felt bad. The humans regarded that night as a victory. Talked about it as a great achievement. But hearing it now, it was nothing short of barbaric.
"After that night, everything changed,” Lord Vlayda said. “Many Urekai lost their bondmates and children. Those who remained were hardened by the loss. Even our revenge did nothing to ease the pain in our hearts."
“Your kind almost decimated the human population, forcing many into hiding." Emeriel couldn’t keep the bitterness out of his tone. "The Urekai took numerous slaves and nearly depleted the human lands of their females. And it did nothing?”
As those chilling eyes once again stared at him, Emeriel snapped his mouth shut.
"Then, Grand King Daemonikai gave in to his beast and went mad. His mind was completely lost and has remained so for the past five hundred years. The very people he sacrificed everything to protect are now in danger from him." Lord Vladya turned a corner. "The beast breaks free periodically, going on ruthless, brutal killing sprees. To prevent further loss, the beast is confined here in Ravenshadow."
Okay... that sounded like a good idea. What was the problem?
"But confinement alone is not enough. Our inner beasts require two basic substances to survive. Blood and sex." Lord Vladya surveyed Emeriel with a piercing gaze. "And that is where your sister comes in."
Emeriel grew uneasy. He did not like where this was going.
"Princess Aekeira will fulfill the beast's sexual needs. That is why she was acquired. As for you, since I have no use for you, both of you belong to the beast," Lord Vladya asserted firmly.
"What?" The disbelieving whisper tore from Emeriel. "Surely, y-you can't mean that."
"Tell Princess Aekeira to present to the beast. If she presents well, who knows? She might survive another day. I care little for the outcome."
Emeriel collapsed to his knees, tears blurring his vision. "Please, Lord Vladya, don't subject her to this. To be a sexual slave? To a beast... the king's beast? My sister will die!!" he screamed, his words tainted with anger.