Page 46 of Pomegranate Kiss

Cam tugged at the wrap around her shoulders as she stared hard at the ground. “Then your family would’ve been here anyway to make sure you were okay, and I would’ve made a timely exit.”

Lex squeezed her tighter. “None of that loner shit. We’re in this together now. Anything that crops up? You don’t just have me, you’ve got the whole Dukas family behind you.” Her chest burned with the feelings for this beautiful woman she’d spent far too long dodging around.

Cam’s eyes glistened, and she swiped at the corners before reaching to grab Lex’s hand. Together, they walked in the direction of the spot on the grass where Danny and Adrian had begun rolling out a plaid blanket for their mid-winter picnic. The bright sun and a high in the sixties made this the perfect day to spend outside with a few extra layers thrown on. Lex didn’t let go of Cam’s hand, even when they reached the blanket. For once, she didn’t care if everyone saw what a giant sap she was.

“Word on the street is that the infamous ladykiller is retired,” Adrian called, not bothering to hide his amused smirk.

“I’m not Jack the Ripper, fuckwad,” Lex shouted as they approached.

Danny hopped up and raced over to throw her arms around them both. “I’m so glad you guys got your heads out of your asses long enough to have a real conversation.” Danny’s voice muffled with the way she buried her head against Lex’s shoulder.

“See this abuse?” Lex said to Cam, even as she hugged her sister-in-law tight. “This is what you have to look forward to.”

Danny pulled back to wave her middle finger in her direction.

“This pales in comparison to half of the shit that spills from your mouth on a daily basis,” Cam muttered even as her eyes twinkled.

“Thank God you found someone who’s not afraid to dish your own snark back,” Adrian said, pulling out the Tupperware offruit salad and then the wrapped sandwiches they’d brought in cooler packs.

The slam of car doors sounded from the parking lot as Cal and Nellie got out of his beat-up Dodge Neon and headed up the pathway toward them. Her brother’s hair was slicked back, and he wore a faded band tee and a clean pair of jeans. Nellie had either rolled out of the house prepared or touched up in the car. Her hair cascaded down her back in perfect waves, and the gray leggings and burgundy tunic she wore highlighted her lighter features.

A second later, Mom and Dad’s Buick flashed into view. Her parents climbed out of the car and began to amble down the walkway. Cam’s gaze followed hers, landing on Lex’s parents. She let go of her hand, stepping a pace away, like they’d vaulted back in time and this still had to be kept secret. Like their relationship was something shameful.

Rage scorched her chest. She wished she’d understood the full extent earlier.

Lex grabbed her hand again. “Come on,” she said, offering a blinder of a smile. Cam’s lips hesitated, but she managed a small grin of her own. Lex began leading them down the pathway to meet Mom and Dad midway.

“Danny texted to tell me we’d get to meet your girlfriend,” Cal said, stopping in front of them. His warm brown eyes danced with the same amusement the rest of her siblings had been entertaining. “There was no way I’d miss this.”

Nellie stomped the ground, her arms crossed in front of her. “I was with you guys for months.” Her eyebrows lifted in bemusement as she glanced between them both. “How did I miss all the signs?”

“We were keeping things quiet,” Cam responded, a gentleness in her tone Lex adored. God, she wanted to ditch the picnic and go make out with her girlfriend some more.

“Though, keeping you quiet was tough when we were trying on bridesmaid dresses.” Lex bared her teeth in a feral grin.

“Oh, gross,” Nellie groaned. “I so didn’t need to know that.”

A furious blush spread on Cam’s cheeks, and she thwacked Lex in the side.

Lex continued moving past her siblings, dragging Cam in tow. “Scram, kiddos. I’ve got to introduce her to our parents before Mom explodes.” Lex didn’t miss the flicker of uncertainty in Cam’s eyes or the tighter press of her lips. All the more reason to hurry up and show her the warm welcome she deserved.

Mom’s grin widened when she caught sight of Cam. Her green dress with the pink flowers fluttered in the breeze, and she carried two laden bags that Lex could guarantee were filled with too much food. Dad’s eyes crinkled with warmth when Lex met his gaze, and she ducked her head. A slight wave of the jitters rocked through her now. She hadn’t realized how important it was to her that Mom and Dad liked Cam.

Lex sucked in a sharp breath, trying to summon her nerve. “Mom, Dad, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Cam,” Lex said. Cam’s eyes had grown wide with the deer-about-to-bolt look.

Mom beamed and reached her hands out to Cam who pulled hers from Lex and offered her own. “Camilla, I couldn’t be more thrilled that you’re the woman who stole our Alexis’s heart. You offered so much of your time and assistance during Adrian and Danny’s wedding and truly helped make it something special.” Mom squeezed Cam’s hands in her own, and Cam’s eyes began to water. Lex placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling the need to protect her somehow.

“You must be serious if you’re bringing her around the family.” Dad looked her in the eyes, and Lex simply nodded. Her own eyes stung at this point. Dad switched his attention to Cam. “You do know you’re the first girl Alexis has ever showed up with, right?”

Cam’s brows drew together as her head tilted in her direction. “That can’t be right. You’ve had other girlfriends before, right?”

“Have you?” Lex shot back before realizing she pulled her usual move again. Cam stomped on her boot for that one. She stared up at the sky, scratching the back of her neck. “Didn’t have anyone I was serious enough about to bring around the family. You see what an inquisition it is around here.”

Cam’s eyes gleamed with the tenderness Lex had fallen for from the first glimpse she’d gotten. She could feel Cam’s shoulders tremble under her palm in the wake of Thaisa and Nikos Dukas’s warm welcome. Pride thrummed in her chest. Pride at how her family rallied together to make her girlfriend feel like she had somewhere to belong after the devastating way Cam’s family had cut her out. Pride for Cam at how brave she’d been to stand up to her parents when they’d set up an arranged marriage.

She’d almost let her slip away. She’d almost let her fears run the show, like always. No more. Cam was hers, and if she had it her way, she’d never be alone again.

“Welcome to the family, Camilla,” Mom said, a dulcet tone in her voice, like the first sip of sweet tea on a summer day.