“No,” Lex said, a grin playing on her lips. Her little sister knew her well.
“I’m still trying mine on,” Cam called from inside the stall, her voice raw around the edges. Lex bit back her smirk and sauntered forward to rejoin the moms and Danny in their questfor the perfect wedding dress. Her pussy throbbed with an insistent pulse after revving herself up like that. Cam’s body was such a perfect landscape she came close to ruining Lex on other women in general. The hottie at the club the other night hadn’t been enough of an allure, not like this quixotic dance they’d tangled themselves in.
At the end of the six months though—fuck, Lex couldn’t think of that. Either Cam continued to lie to herself that she was straight, or what, she realized she was some color of the rainbow and went to find herself an actual girlfriend who wasn’t a mess? Lex’s mouth dried, but she composed a game face as she approached the others.
Danny stood with both of the moms holding the mermaid style dress she’d found earlier, an excited grin on her face. “Made my choice,” she called out. “So, we’re ready when you guys are.”
Lex lifted her dress. She’d mixed the other ones in with the wrong color on the way up. “Going with this one if it passes inspection.”
Danny offered a thumbs-up. “Looks good to me.”
Footsteps pounded behind them as both Nellie and Cam approached with their choices in hand. Lex didn’t miss how Cam looked at anyone but her. She wanted to feel triumphant about that, knowing the woman was too turned on to breathe in her direction at this point, but all the avoided glances stung like papercuts. If she could stop tormenting herself with forever unattainable girls, maybe she’d stand a chance at something open and real.
She skimmed a hand through her hair. Not like she had anyone else to blame for this mess. Every time, she plunged in on a whim only to crash on the rocks.
“All right,” Danny announced. “Mission accomplished. Let’s get the hell out of here and get lunch.”
Lex strode to the register first, sliding her mask into place. They had a little more than five months before Danny and Adrian’s wedding. Less than six months to indulge in whatever this exploration with Cam was.
Future Lex could deal with that car wreck.
Chapter Six
The letter weighed heavy in her hands.
This wasn’t another piece of junk mail, or even some passing bit of news. This meant a decision needed to be made, one that would alter so, so much. Except she didn’t have the time to dwell on something this immense, because Danny would be over any minute now. Cam pulled out the butter, sugar, and flour for the three different types of cupcakes she’d be baking and then frosting.
The letter sat on her kitchen island, the fine print mocking her.
Cam tugged out the powdered sugar. When she undid the top, she dodged the cloud of sugar that erupted. Every day at the Horntrees’ had been getting worse, the passion leeching from her bones with each successive shift. She slogged through, the texts from Lex one of the only things that sent a shiver coursing through her. Not like she’d seen Lex since last weekend when the woman pressed her against a dressing room wall and slipped herfingers between her folds. The heat returned to her cheeks, and she let the sigh flow through her.
Her doorbell rang, reeling her into the present.
She wiped her hands on her black yoga pants, which would get covered in flour by the end of the night, and she headed for the door. Her throat dried with the idea of Lex being on the other side. As improbable as it was, the woman had sprung an unforgettable kiss on her last week well after reasonable hours. She combed her fingers through her hair before opening the door.
Danny stood outside, her green eyes sparkling with her grin and her arms full of grocery bags. “I’ve got the rest of the supplies for the cupcakes, so we can get cracking.”
Cam beckoned her in and grinned, ignoring the tug of disappointment in her chest. Not like she could be getting attached—Lex wasn’t part of her plan, nor was the complicated mess of feelings that emerged around her.
“Okay, so we’re trying a basil-strawberry, lavender, and rose, right?” Cam asked, ticking off the three flavors as she went.
“You don’t have to do this,” Danny said. “You’re already doing so muchinmy wedding. Making the cupcakes for the reception is overkill.”
“Or the best wedding present ever,” Cam responded. “Besides, I’ve been jonesing for something creative to sink my teeth into.”
She began sorting through the supplies Danny brought: dried lavender, rosewater, fresh basil, and strawberries. Her fingers itched to get to work, and the colors of the frosting swirled in her mind, tiny, delicate decorations needing an artistic eye to be brought to life.
Could this be enough? She sucked in a sharp breath as she snagged her measuring cups.
Danny grabbed herself a glass of water and then sidled next to her. “Set me to work, boss.”
Cam nodded. “Here are three mixing bowls,” she said, placing them in front of Danny. “Get the butter and sugar creamed for each. The recipe’s on my phone.”
“Hey, has everything been okay at work?” Danny asked as she busied herself with pouring out the cups of sugar. “Not trying to pry, but you’re like Moody Tuesday over there, and even now you’ve got this raincloud around you that’s got me worried.”
Yeah, your future sister-in-law’s seducing me, and I’m getting less and less convinced I’m straight.Like that would go over well. Cam glanced to Danny, the earnest look in her eyes melting her defenses.
“So, there’s a letter on the countertop over there,” Cam said, not stopping the chop of strawberries as she worked. “And it’s got my head in a tangle.” The click, click, click of her knife hitting the cutting board formed a rhythm she lost herself in as she tackled the basil next. She might not be able to divulge everything in her head right now, but she could start here.