Page 26 of Pomegranate Kiss

“You should be,” Danny responded, giving her dress a twirl as Adrian watched, mesmerized. “Matty’s probably going to get you into some insane shit like cliff diving or stealing a cop car.”

Adrian snorted, rolling up from his seat. “And you have Lex as your maid of honor. I think we’re about even.”

His dark hair was messy, the same color of Lex’s with the same color skin. The two of them had similar features, strong jaws, and intense stares. But unlike Adrian, Lex’s eyes were the flashing lights of a siren, the slither of a snake through the grass—pure danger.

Adrian slipped his arms around Danny and brought her in for a deep kiss. Cam averted her gaze, not wanting to intrude on their private moment. Envy coated her like wet paint at the casual intimacy, at everything she wanted with the one personshe might not get to keep. She strode a few paces closer to the door.

“Have fun tonight, darlin,” Adrian said, his voice a bit rough around the edges. Danny snuck in for one more kiss before pulling away. She trailed her fingers in a wave before heading over to join Cam’s side.

“Don’t let your brother get you arrested,” Danny called. “Wedding’s two weeks away and I need my groom intact.”

“Same goes for you,” Adrian said, heading over to the couch even though he kept flashing puppy dog glances back to Danny. “Don’t listen to any of Lex’s madcap plans, no matter how enticing they sound.”

The mention of Lex had Cam’s mouth drying with want. Tonight, they’d be sharing a hotel room, and she wore this far-too revealing dress for that reason alone. She wanted a repeat of the scorching night they had together a few weeks ago. The mere thought of it had her veins buzzing.

When it came to Lex’s madcap plans, Cam fell for them every time.


Their party of four had already gotten dinner at Balance Seafood in town, known for drinks and quality food. The next spot on their agenda was Hi-Lo Dance Lounge, one of the newer places that had opened. Even though they all took their turns showering Danny in attention, Cam couldn’t keep her eyes off of Lex.

The woman hadn’t gone for femme like the rest of them, instead wearing a maroon blazer and a black muscle shirt underneath. The pair of grey skinny jeans she wore highlighted her toned legs and an ass Cam’s gaze kept straying toward. She’d spiked her pixie up into a rockabilly-esque pompadour, andwith her black rimmed eyes and dark lipstick, she looked like a fantasy.

Cam strode a couple of paces behind to walk in line with Lex while Nellie gabbed with Danny on the way over to the night club.

Lex leaned in, her lips brushing against Cam’s ear accidentally-on-purpose. “You’re a goddamn tease, you know that? I’m going to enjoy peeling this dress off you once we get into our hotel room tonight.”

The heat in her voice transferred to Cam’s cheeks. “Are you trying to make me combust on the spot?” She thwacked Lex in the side, hoping the darkness hid the ruddy stain of her flush.

Even though Lex wasn’t touching her—they still avoided PDA in front of friends and family—Cam drowned in her intoxicating presence. She wanted everything with Lex, but they both avoided touching the topic of what would come after like it was glass one step away from shattering. Besides, she hadn’t figured out how to work in the fact she’d torqued their situation by heading back to school.

All she knew was she didn’t want this to end.

Lex lit a cigarette while they walked down the block toward the club, the ember at the end flaring to life before the cloud of smoke followed.

Hi-Lo’s neons glowed out front, along with a trail of icicle lights decorating the awning. Cam’s pulse sped up. The last time she’d gone to a club, she had met Lex. She’d been at the end of a terrible week, a string of even worse dates, and this charming, flirtatious woman had swooped in and commanded her attention.

If she were being honest, Lex wasn’t the first time she’d experienced the tug in her stomach toward another woman. She had crushes as a kid and then as an adult. Yet, Lex was the first time she’d succumbed to those desires. Lex’s confidencehad infected her, making her feel daring enough for that first encounter.

They entered Hi-Lo, and the scent of sweat, leather, and limoncello wafted from the rafters of this place. Unlike Notes which went for the full electronica dance club vibe, this one leaned more toward upscale and classy with its cozy red couches tucked into corners, drapes framing different rooms, and cube leather booths on the opposite side of the long, backlit bar. The end of the place opened into a dance floor complete with a stage where a DJ had set up station and began to spin.

Cam tried to keep focusing ahead of her, even though her gaze drifted to Lex like she’d been magnetically hardwired. Her breasts swayed, barely held by the taut fabric of her dress that she’d been second-guessing ever since she slipped into it. She didn’t know how she’d be able to keep from dry humping Lex on the dance floor tonight. Yet the fear of Lex backing away kept her in line. Flings and family wouldn’t mix for the Anti-Commitment Queen.

The complicated rush of feelings surged, and Cam’s hands balled into fists. She needed to focus on the present or she’d drown. Neon red lights glided through the room with a smoothness to fit this swank club, the perfect place to unwind and let loose tonight. Already, people crowded the dance floor, bodies swaying and writhing to the deep pulse of the music. The beat thumped with the trance that Danny ate up, something she, Nellie, and Lex had researched beforehand when they chose a spot.

Danny’s gaze met hers. “You’re not spending the whole time at the bar tonight, Cam,” she called back. “I’m dragging you out to the dance floor.”

“Why don’t we all dance together,” Lex said, her voice dripping seduction as she waggled her brows. Danny let out a laugh while Cam’s sex clenched.

“Don’t be gross,” Nellie shot back, the delicate pink dress she wore bringing out the tan of her skin and accenting her natural blonde waves. “I love my family, but not like that.”

“It’s okay, Nels,” Lex responded. “Blondes are more Mitch’s type than mine.” Her pointed look meant something Nellie must’ve picked up, because she turned the color of her dress. “You sure Greg’s not going to have a conniption over you coming out dancing with us?”

Nellie shot her a dirty look. “Greg’s out in Minneapolis on business right now, so I’m free and clear.”

“Stop fighting, guys,” Danny interrupted, straying toward the dance floor. “This is an awesome song.” The heavy bass beats vibrated the wooden floorboards, and the vinyl booths beckoned her, looking like the perfect place to curl up with a drink. But Danny wanted to dance, and Cam didn’t want to disappoint.

The moment they slipped into the crowd, a hand brushed against hers. Cam glanced up to spot Lex by her side, a careful gleam in her eyes. She had no idea how she would survive tonight without a slipup. All she wanted to do was melt into Lex’s arms, shove her tongue down her throat, and let the wild force do whatever she wanted to her body. The strength, the fury, and the sheer passion radiating off the woman made her want to surrender every time.