“So Matty’s Queen of the Underworld claims weren’t too far off,” Cam teased, her eyes softening. She looked at her, not a shred of repulsion in her gaze, and Lex’s heart lurched.
“Come on, let’s walk,” Lex said, reaching for Cam’s hand to pull her forward. Even after they took the first steps, Lex didn’t let go of Cam’s hand, and she didn’t pull away either. Her skin tingled where their palms touched, the simple connection making her body strike like a spark plug.
She’d made all these physical promises to Cam with their agreement, that she’d do her damnedest to convert her through mind-blowing sex. Yet, they were two months in and hadn’t even fucked. And based on Cam’s confused glances and comments, she’d tuned in to the contradiction.
Still, Lex couldn’t help herself. She’d never gotten this connection from anyone she’d messed around with—the affection, the understanding, and the simple feeling of having someone else around.
Cam cast a glance to her, and their eyes snagged, the air growing thicker with the weight of all the ghosts lingering in this place.
“So, what’s getting too overwhelming?” Cam asked, swinging their hands as they strolled down the wide dirt paths cutting through Magnolia Cemetery. Limestone tombs rose all around them, a mixture of fresh and withered blooms decorating the surfaces.
“Meeting with my parole officer, for one. Every time, it reminds me of that place, and I can’t go back there,” Lex said, the words slipping out unintended. She fixed her stare on the winding creek ahead, the surface turning molten gold with the setting sun.
Cam squeezed her hand. “You’re not going back there. You’ve got a career lined up, a family who loves you, and a bright future that doesn’t include more jail time.”
Lex let out a bark of a laugh, half hopeless, half bitter. “Then you really don’t know me. I had all that shit beforehand too, and I’ll fuck it up every time. Hell, Bell even mentioned a permanent chair at Inkspiration and my commitment Klaxons started clanging.”
Cam pulled her hand away, and Lex regretted the admission at once. No one wanted to pick up the fragments of the shattered window inside her head. The woman strode over to one of the graves, a fresh peony wreath in front of it. The tombstone had been carved with an intricate depiction of wings. Cam crouched and traced her fingers along the lines.
“There’s a lot of gorgeous art here,” Cam said, her voice echoing through the hush. “I would’ve never thought to look for it in a cemetery.”
Lex strolled up to her, but when Cam’s gaze landed on her, she froze.
“You didn’t know what it’d be like back then. Now you do. You’re impulsive and a little bit reckless, sure, but you’re not an idiot, Lex. You’ve got the tools and the support to fight. Whether you do or not is in your court.”
Lex swallowed hard. Few bothered to be frank with her like that, and she could feel her hackles rising, the acid begging to leap to her tongue. But Cam was right. Every time she leaned hard on what a fuck-up she was, she avoided taking responsibility.
The bravado dried on her tongue. “Enough of my maudlin bullshit. Let’s go check out the pyramid. If you’ve never been here before, you’ll appreciate the artistry.”
Cam got up from her crouch and brushed against her arm as she strode forward. The dusky look in her eyes, the way the golden sunlight brought out the rich browns in Cam’s dark hair, and how her bronze skin gleamed held her spellbound. Eventhough they weren’t holding hands anymore, tension coated the air between them as they walked mere inches apart.
“How’s your quest for the perfect man going?” Lex said, regretting the words at once. That was the last thing she wanted to hear about right now, but she couldn’t help it. With the way her skin scraped raw and sensitive, she wanted to douse it in vinegar.
Cam gave her a wry look. “Pretty poor, considering I’ve got this whole lesbian experiment going on with my friend right now who thinks I’m available at any hour of the day or night.”
Lex’s heart thundered as she lifted her hands, a genuine smile rising to her lips. “No expectations here. Can’t blame a girl for hoping to spend time with someone as scorching as you. God, I could watch the swing of your hips for hours.”
Cam ducked her head, a gorgeous flush on her cheeks. “Thanks. Good to know I’m a hot piece of ass.” Even as she delivered the dry comment, she slipped into a small grin.
Lex let out a low whistle and closed the distance between them to wrap her arm around Cam’s waist and draw her close. “You’re irresistible, babe.”
As Cam looked up at her, Lex’s hands settled on her hips, and she leaned down to brush her lips against hers. She tasted sweet, like springtime, and the rose scent that surrounded her transported Lex to another dimension. Lex pulled away, a grin clinging to her lips and her heart pounding harder than ever. “Now get your hot piece of ass on the move so I can show you more spooky shit.”
Cam rolled her eyes. “All that big talk you delivered about swaying me to the dark side had me thinking there would be a lot more action going on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying the adventure, but if I’m still straight by the end of this, I don’t want you to get your feelings hurt.”
Lex’s throat tightened. They had an expiration date, less than four months away, but she’d been ignoring that with all her might. At the end of this, Cam would go back to trying to find the perfect husband while Lex would lapse into quick-n-dirty hookups in the bathroom at Notes Nightclub.
“If you wanted instant gratification, go on Tinder,” Lex commented. “I told you I’d show you the full breadth of how good this could be, which takes some time to unfold.”
Cam lifted a brow. “Lofty promises. We’ll see when you deliver.” Even with the arid way she responded, a grin lifted those crimson lips and challenge sparked in her eyes.
They stopped in front of the infamous pyramid, which towered above them. Lex itched to draw the precise lines, and the seafoam green doors were carved with intricate patterns and framed by large columns and an arch. Moss slipped into the seams between the weathered bricks, emerald under the late sun.
“Damn, this is gorgeous,” Cam said, shaking her head. “How have I been here for years and never seen this?”
“Probably because most people don’t go to cemeteries for fun,” Lex commented, her chest warming at the wonder in Cam’s eyes.
“You’ll never be most people, Alexis Dukas,” Cam responded, a heat in her voice that had Lex tripping over herself.