Lex’s mouth closed over hers, and Cam’s entire body sang with relief. She sank into the kiss, the burn of whiskey on Lex’s lips. Her shoulders scraped against the brick wall behind her, and her warning bells clanged with how public this was. Danny stood right inside her apartment. However, her legs widened, thighs encircling around Lex as she deepened the kiss. Lex gripped her by the back of the neck, the gliding strokes of her tongue making Cam shiver with promise.
Lex pulled away to lick the line of her jaw. “Hey there, gorgeous.”
Masha’Allah, that husky voice would be her undoing.
Cam pursed her lips, trying to collect her composure off the walkway. “Let’s get whatever you need from your car before Danny starts poking around out here for us.” Her lips were swollen from the way they’d clashed together, and her body sparked to life like she’d been plugged into a generator.
Lex snorted and gestured to the ground where two duffel bags sat. “Darlin’, I already brought them up. That was what the kids these days call ‘a ruse.’”
Cam lifted her eyebrow. “Okay, Grandpa Lex. You can sit out here and shout at the neighborhood kids to get off your lawn.” Of course the woman thought ahead. She’d simply been trying to lure her out for a stolen kiss.
Lex pursed her lips and reached for the door. “As tempting as that might be, I was promised cupcakes.”
The door flew open before they could enter, Danny standing in the frame. “Cam, do I pull out the cupcakes now?”
“Let me come check them.” Cam’s heart thudded. A minute or two earlier, and she would’ve caught them in the middle of making out against the brick siding of her place. How the hell she would have explained away that, she didn’t have the slightest.
Lex grabbed one of the duffels, and Cam snagged the other as they followed Danny inside. At least with her best friend here with them: Lex wouldn’t dare do anything public—just bend the rules every chance she got.
The scent of lavender filled the room when Cam pulled the cupcakes out of the oven.
“Time to put the rose ones in,” she directed as she brought the lavender over to the racks she’d set out on her countertop. Danny snagged the tray they’d lined and filled, bringing it over to the oven.
“Oh damn, those smell delicious,” Lex said, leaning in close enough their arms brushed. Cam tried to ignore the way her heart leapt and how her whole body lit up every time they touched. “Can I have one now?”
Cam smacked her hand away. “No. They need to be frosted and decorated first, so Danny can evaluate them.”
“But I just want to evaluate them with my mouth,” Lex teased, heat creeping into her voice.
“We’ll be done soon, Lex,” Danny called over, whipping together the lemon frosting for the lavender cupcakes. “I’m sure Cam could put you to work in the meanwhile.”
“I’ve got plenty of tasks,” Cam said, directing her over to the strawberry and basil cupcakes. She swirled the puree through the batter and then passed it over to Lex with a stack of cupcake liners. “Set this tray up, and we’ll have more to try in no time.”
To her surprise, Lex set to work at once, moving with a surprising expediency. Cam started pouring in the butter and powdered sugar for the final batch of frosting, but her gaze kept slipping to Lex.
“I worked at Gin Mill, remember? I’m not new to line work,” Lex said, a grin clinging to her.
“Taking orders though?” Danny responded. “From what Mitch has told me, those weren’t your top priority.”
“Mitch has a big mouth and needs to be nicer to his tattoo artist,” Lex commented.
“Especially after you landed him that hottie the other night at Notes,” Danny said with a smirk. “Did you dart off with one of the other girls? Adrian and I had a bet going.”
Cam’s stomach twisted. They weren’t exclusive. She didn’t have any right to feel like she tripped and was falling, falling, falling. Besides, she’d known this from the beginning. Lex didn’t commit.
And liking girls wasn’t part of Cam’s plan.
Cam swallowed hard and looked away.
“I went home with food poisoning,” Lex said, her voice careful and light. “Puked in the toilet the rest of the night, so I wasn’t going to be doing any seducing.” Cam dared to look up and met Lex’s hazel gaze. The look there burned with an intent that both soothed and terrified her. Cam stirred harder at the frosting, creaming the ingredients together until they smoothed out.
“Food poisoning, that’s lame,” Danny commented. “We’ll have to do another club night soon.”
Lex slid the tray of cupcakes into the oven, and Cam set the timer. The air buzzed between them, but she didn’t chance another glance. Lex had been with her that night, kissing her until she forgot every reason why this whole thing was a bad idea.
“What did you bring in the duffel bags?” Danny asked, pointing a teaspoon in their direction.
“Your and Adrian’s wedding gifts—at least if you want them,” Lex said, her voice taking on the gruff tone she sometimes slipped into when vulnerability peeked out. Lex’s cocky and commanding attitude was beyond hot, but what tipped Cam over the edge every time were the hints beneath the surface. She craved the looks that extended too long, and the brush of openness from a woman who always kept her doors closed shut.