Chapter One
Lex was on lucky IPA number three, and the alcohol wasn’t cutting it.
She had social skills—in the same way a screaming pygmy goat did. However, her repertoire consisted of getting women into a stall at the club, into the back of her Challenger, or if they were really lucky and the need ran too hot—into their beds.
Said repertoire didn’t consist of any skills for a casual how-d’ya-do to the woman she last finger-fucked in the women’s bathroom of Notes Nightclub. And Danny’s best friend Camilla, or Cam as she affectionately called her, had been avoiding Lex. She was one hundred percent sure.
Lex leaned over the railing of the deck behind Adrian’s house, staring out at the grassy expanse of the picket-fence perfect she’d always imagined for her big brother. Never her.
“Look, I know scowling’s your default mode, but the storm clouds emanating off you right now are a massive buzzkill, sis.” Matty mouthed off from behind her.
The pain in the ass kept trying to get her to work at the Gin Mill again, despite the fact she needed to move forward. Her time in a cell had been the splash of rancid water in the face to get off her ass. Bell had been good enough to let her continue her apprenticeship tattooing for Inkspiration, and she was determined to see that the rest of the way through.
Lex lifted her middle finger. “Fuck off, nosy. Maybe all this hearts and flowers shit makes me cranky. Doesn’t mean I’m not happy as hell for Saint Adrian and the spitfire who’ll keep him on his toes. They’ll be perfect together.”
“Yeah, how dare true love interrupt your schedule of clandestine hookups,” Matty shot back, a grin on his lips and a wicked glint in his gaze.
The sun began to set, hazy peach and tangerine streaks threading across the horizon. Lex’s heart thundered in her chest. She shouldn’t be bothered by his comment—it was true and something she touted loud and clear. Yet, every time she watched the warm shared glances between her parents and now the loving nudges between Adrian and Danny, her stomach twisted. Lex tilted back her bottle of IPA, the sharp flavor settling on her tongue.
“Hey, Matty, you mind if I cut in?” Danny’s voice rang out behind them. Lex pivoted around to lean against the railing, her elbows scuffing against the wooden beams. Danny strode toward her, her wavy copper hair glistening like flame that didn’t hope to outshine the glow emanating from her all night.
Cam walked in behind Danny, and Lex’s traitor heart started marching at a faster beat. The woman looked as stunning as she had that first night at the club, crimson on her lips and her thick, dark hair pulled into a careful plait. Her apple cheekbones and sharp chin set off her petite face, and her smooth, tawny skin looked delicious. Everything about her was smoothed around the edges and under control, from the lack of wrinkles on hermaroon pants to the pristine state of the cream blouse clinging to her curves. And yet, Cam wouldn’t look her in the eye.
Lex stared at her even harder.
Matty lifted a hand and strode off toward the door. “You’d be doing me a favor. Your turn with the Queen of the Underworld.”
“If I’m Queen of the Underworld, then you’re one of my underlings, Matty-be-damned,” Lex called back. The door creaked shut, leaving the three of them out there.
Danny chewed on her lip and glanced to the ground. “I’d love it if you’d be my maid of honor. You’re one of the people I’ve known the longest, and those are few and far between for me. Besides, Adrian told me what you and Cal did—how you convinced him to not give up on me.”
A flush burned on Lex’s cheeks, and she tipped back her beer, hoping the cool liquid would counter the attack. The woman combined pure sweetness and sass into one fantastic package, and Danny was one of the few people Lex could always tolerate, even when she sank into one of her moods. Lex leaned down to place her bottle on the ground and opened her arms.
“Come on in, sis,” she said, trying to ignore the emotion that formed a lump in the back of her throat. “I even promise not to grope you, though, damn, you’re gorgeous.”
Danny snorted and closed the distance to throw her arms around her. Lex crushed her into the hug.
“I’d be honored, sweetheart,” Lex murmured into Danny’s ear. No way she’d let her brothers hear her softness hit the air.
When they separated, the grin on Danny’s face was blinding. “Thanks, Lex. You’ll have Nellie and Cam to help, since they’re my other bridesmaids.”
Lex shot Cam an appraising look. Just try to avoid her now.
Cam offered a forced grin. Whatever warmth blazed between them that night had vanished like alcohol at an intervention, and in its place remained this ice queen Lex didn’t recognize.
“Danny, Mom wants to talk to you again,” Adrian called from the door. Lex’s brother was tall, tanned, and athletic—a clean-cut, successful doctor. The opposite of her tattooed and pierced ass in every way. But the guy possessed a heart made of platinum when it came to his family, and she loved him more than anyone on this planet. Not like she’d ever admit it though.
“Cam, you don’t have to deal with more family stuff.” Danny clapped a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
Danny bolted before Cam could follow, her ponytail a streak of red. The door thumped shut behind her, and Cam closed the distance to come lean against the railing with Lex, the creak echoing in the air.
“Suppose I’ll be needing your number now,” Lex murmured, not bothering to hide the heat in her voice. “You know. For bridesmaid shit.”
Cam exhaled a sigh. “Just for bridesmaid stuff,” she warned, a sharp edge to her voice. The woman’s dark eyes were unreadable, but all the coldness only made Lex blaze hotter.
“Based on the way you begged that night, I’m positive I wasn’t too bad,” Lex kept her voice low, huskiness creeping in. “Avoid me all you like, but it’s not like I’m knocking down your door begging for a relationship.”
Cam hunched forward on the railing, her elbows digging deep as she speared her fingers through her hair. “Have I been that obvious?”