He pushes two fingers inside me and gently massages my clit with his thumb. “The leg. It’s a process.”
He releases a deep sigh and sits up. “Do you want to get off or do you want to launch into the stratosphere and lose all bodily function for a solid thirty seconds? If it’s the former, shut up and let me make you come. If it’s the latter, give me your ass and a little bit of trust.”
I bite my lip. This is a very difficult decision.
“Well?” he says.
“Don’t rush me!”
Having an orgasm that gives me an out-of-body experience is tempting, but again, raw poultry.
“Does it have to be the turkey leg?” I say. “I have some anal beads in the drawer. If they aren’t big enough, I have an actual butt plug in my bag. You know, the sex toy that was invented for this precise purpose?”
“It has to be the turkey leg.”
“It’s not safe for so many reasons. It doesn’t even have a flared base. It’s the opposite of flared. And what if the meat comes off? How the fuck do we get it out of me?”
“Ye of little faith,” he says with a shake of his head. “I brought a condom to ensure nothing actually touches you and everything can be safely removed. As for the rest, you’ll just have to trust me.”
I glance at the pan on the dresser. While I didn’t get a good look at the bird while Bennett was busy fucking it, I imagine it’s a pretty large carcass, considering the size of the massive metal casket. I’ve shoved some pretty sizable objects into my ass, but I doubt anything that big.
But then I look at Bennett, and I can almost taste that orgasm.
“Don’t make me regret this,” I say as I get on all fours.
I expect him to rush for the turkey leg, but he rushes toward me instead. His hands caress my ass, brushing over my skin before slapping down with an audible crack. I whimper and drop my head to the pillows.
“Your ass is so perfect,” he whispers before biting it. His teeth drive into my flesh, but it’s more pleasure than pain. Even the momentary pinching sensation makes my pussy clench.
He slides my panties down my legs, then tosses them to the floor. I try not to laugh as Shorty zips from beneath the bed and swats them under the dresser.
But all humor disappears as Bennett positions himself behind me and spits on my asshole. “You have to relax,” he says as his thumb brushes over this delicate part of me.
He moves off the bed, but I don’t watch him as he prepares whatever he has in store for me. I don’t want to know how big it is or how he plans to get it inside me. My focus remains on the promise of an orgasm the likes of which I’ve never experienced.
Plastic rustles, and seconds later, something cold presses against my asshole. It’s not nearly as large as I feared, but it’s much harder than I anticipated. I can only assume he’s coming at me with the bony end, though I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.
So I do the only thing I can. I brace myself and bite the pillow.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
She’s nowhere near ready for anything more than two fingers, but that’s okay. I’ll work her up to it. I drag the bone against her sensitive rosebud, reveling in the way she tenses and relaxes that ring of muscle.
“Don’t be scared, kitten. If it hurts, you just say the word and I’ll stop. I promise. You just have to talk to me. Tell me how it feels.”
She grips the sheet as I press the bone against her asshole with more pressure. “I guess it’s a flared base if you’re coming at it from that end,” she says into the pillow.
“Oh, the other end is the goal, but you aren’t ready yet.”
Her butthole puckers at the thought.
I grin and press the bone against her ass with gentle, rhythmic force, but I won’t push it in. When her body is ready and her mind is willing, she will accept my offering with very little effort on my part.
“Spread your legs and raise your ass a little,” I say, and she obeys without hesitation. I wind my hand through her blondehair and crane her neck to kiss her. “Fuck, you are so obedient. Good girls get rewarded.”