“No, it wouldn’t be a problem,” I say with a shake of my head. “But if it was a problem, would that be a problem?”
“Would it be a problem if it was a problem that it was a problem?”
I blink. “Okay, enough cryptic shit. Are you making a move on Cat or what?”
“Bennett . . .” Maverick sighs and nudges a clump of snow with the toe of his boot. “Look, I’m just trying to be nice to her because you’re giving her such a hard time. Everyone’s getting sick of running interference between you two. It’s a full-time job at this point.”
My eyes widen, and I can’t believe what the fuck I’m hearing. Interference? Giving her a hard time? Cat and I have been worried people will realize we’re fucking, but we’re so good at hiding it that they think we’re more volatile than ever.
“Wait, so you’re taking her on a pity date?” I ask as my brain registers what else he said. “You’re going to make her think you like her when you don’t? Isn’t that kind of fucked up?”
“That’s what I said, but everyone else seems to think this is a great idea.”
“Everyone else? Are you guys having fuckingmeetingsabout us? What the fuck?”
Maverick runs his hands through his hair. “I agree. Everything about this is fucked. But Kindra’s really worried about her, and I am too. She’s been so depressed since the uptick in audition rejections she’s received.”
Depressed? She hasn’t seemed so very depressed. Hell, she hasn’t even mentioned the failed auditions to me. Why does Maverick know about them when I don’t?
More jealousy fills the growing pit in my gut.
“So what happens when you have to destroy her after raising her hopes?” I ask. “Seems like this plan will do more harm than good.”
“Again, that’s what I said.”
“So don’t do it,” I say. “Don’t take her out. Let me do it.”
Maverick starts shaking his head before I can even finish my sentence. “Definitely not. Ezra and Kindra gave everyone strict orders to keep you two away from each other, and I’m not risking Kindra’s wrath. Have you seen her when she’s pissed?”
I shudder, because yes, I have.
But I have to dosomething. If Maverick puts the moves on Cat, she’ll cave, and if she kisses him, I’ll have to kill him. He’s pissing me off right now, but Ezra and I see him as an unofficial little brother, and I really don’t want to kill him.
“Don’t do this, Maverick. I’ll deal with Kindra and Ezra.”
“Eve, Grim, and Ice Pick too? And you can’t forget Jim.”
I scoff, realizing how deep this goes. Cat’s concerns that everyone will hound us to death don’t seem so fabricated now. “What about Rosie? Is she in on this too?”
Maverick shoves his hands into his pockets. “Surprisingly, no. She shook her head the entire time, but she refuses to say why she disagrees with the plan to keep you two away from each other.”
“Refuses to . . . Maverick, she can’t talk.”
“She can, but only Grim understands her. He says she won’t talk about it with him, either.”
“So everyone hates me,” I say. “Is that what you’re telling me?”
Maverick rocks on his heels and looks at the snowy ground. “Hate is a very strong word.”
I nod and turn my head to spit the bitter taste of loneliness out of my mouth. Maybe Cat wasn’t so far off when she said I’ma man on an island. She’s wrong about how I got here, though. I didn’t choose to be alone. The people in my life made that choice for me.
As I turn and walk away, Maverick calls after me. I don’t stop. What’s the point? He’s set on being their lackey and fooling Cat into thinking he’s falling for her.Theywant to hurt her. Not me. Yet I’m the one she needs protection from?
White-hot rage blinds me as I make my way back to the mansion. I have to stop her before she gets hurt. With all those hearts in her eyes, she won’t be able to see what’s going on.
By the time I reach the front door, I still haven’t seen her. I know I didn’t miss her because there’s only one path to the barn. That means she’s probably still in her room, preparing for her little date.
I have to stop her, but how? If I tell her the truth, that Maverick is pretending to be interested out of pity, it will crush her. For the first time since I met her, I don’t want that. I want her to be happy.