Page 17 of Slay Ride

I’m nowhere close to coming, but the vibrator must be working some magic because Bennett’s words give my pussy a little love tap. I’ve never tried degradation—I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t tried much at all—but this man might have unlocked a new kink.

To be explored fully with Maverick, of course.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I scream.

I dare to look over at Bennett, and I can tell he’s faking his enthusiasm just as much as I am. Hell, he’s going over the top at this point. His hand moves so fast that I’m beginning to suspect he’s part Sonic the fucking Hedgehog, and if he keeps this up much longer, he’s going to get a nasty friction burn or start a small fire.

I can’t have that. I have to win.

Getting onto my hands and knees, I click the switch and put the vibrator on its highest setting. I buck my hips and fake thebest orgasm of my life, complete with cries of ecstasy and bed-shaking theatrics.

And that’s when the door to my bedroom flies open.

Chapter Eight


Idon’t know how I expected this to play out when I tried calling her bluff, but Ezra and Kindra were never a factor. Yet here they stand, eyes wide and jaws hitting the floor as Cat and I fall off opposite sides of the bed.

“Kindra! Oh my god, look away!” Cat squeals. Judging by the shuffle of fabric and the way the comforter disappears to the other side of the bed, she’s pulled it down to cover herself.

I tuck my stiff dick into my pants and debate standing up. Despite faking my enthusiasm, the erection was real, and it doesn’t want to go down, even in spite of this horrifying outcome.

Peeking over the side of the mattress, I spot Ezra and Kindra in the doorway with their backs to us.

“We thought someone was being murdered in here,” Ezra says. “I’m glad you two are getting along so famously now, but maybe tone it down a bit.”

Cat has used the comforter to conceal her front, but her ass faces me in all of its glory as she rises to stand. I might despisethe girl, but her perfectly full cheeks scream well-done BBL. She claims she’s all natural, but no one gets these dimensions without a lot of work, and I’ve never seen her in the gym.

“It isn’t what you think,” she says.

Kindra dares to turn around. “We walked in to both of you pleasuring yourselves and screaming out in the throes of passion. What else are we supposed to think?”

“She told me she wanted to pay me back for saving her life, didn’t you, kitten?” I say as I stand. The boner has retreated, though looking at Cat’s ass didn’t help things along.

“Don’t call me kitten! And you didn’t save my life, remember?”

“Either way, you started it,” I say.

“And I’m finishing it.” Ezra turns around. “Dinner begins in exactly thirty minutes, and if you aren’t in the dining hall at precisely that time, you will go hungry. I have worked too hard to orchestrate this retreat for the two of you to make a dog’s dinner of it. Understood?”

Cat and I nod in unison. Ezra doesn’t put on his serious face often, but when he does, I’ve learned to pretend I’m listening. Nothing—not even my brother’s stern looks—will deter me from making Cat miserable.

“Guess I’d better throw something on and get to the dining hall,” I say as I walk across the room, fully clothed.

That earns a frustrated grumble from Cat. Her hair is a mess, she’s still nearly naked, and she doesn’t have enough time to shower before dinner. She’ll have to sit beside Maverick while looking like a woman who’s just woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

Everything worked in my favor.

Per usual.

I slip past Ezra and Kindra and head for my room, which is only a few feet away. My brother’s eyes burn a hole in my back as I make my retreat.

I don’t know why he’s so goddamned butthurt about this. Even after Cat announced her plans to attend, he invited me to this retreat. Hell, he practically begged me to come. Did he expect me to leave her alone? Does my brother know me at all?

I go to the dresser in my room and pull a wrinkled t-shirt and some jeans from a drawer. Unlike Cat, I have no desire to impress anyone here. Or elsewhere, for that matter. When a woman falls in love with me, it’s usually when the clothes are off anyway.

After washing my hands in the bathroom—I’m not a total slob—I head to the stupid double staircase and spot Maverick on the landing. He’s standing with Ice Pick.