Page 113 of Slay Ride

“Cat, I have an idea!” Eve says, but before she can explain, we enter the clearing at the start of the hunting grounds. She leans closer to Cat, whispers something in her ear, then runs over to Kindra and Ezra, who stand by the armory.

A smile spreads across Cat’s face, and she looks up at me. “Pick me up at Eve’s room an hour before the party. Don’t be late.”

Before I can ask any questions, she races off to greet her friend.

Chapter Forty-Five


Standing outside Eve’s door, I struggle to take a breath, and not just because of the black bowtie cinched around my throat. For the first time in my life, I have pre-date jitters.

I swipe my sweaty palms over my black suit pants, then glance in the mirror beside the door. My hair remains in place, thanks to the hairspray Ezra insisted I use. I turn back for the door and raise my fist to knock.

“Wait,” Maverick whispers. “You’re forgetting these.”

He pushes a haphazard bouquet into my hands. We crafted it along the way, snatching random flowers from vases we passed on our way to Eve’s room. I don’t know that I would call it pretty, and it just smells like dying plant matter to me, but maybe Cat will appreciate the gesture.

With the wilting flowers clutched to my chest, I raise my hand again, then knock. Seconds later, the door swings open.

Eve stands before us in a dazzling silver gown that drags the floor. Thin straps fall over her shoulders and crisscross her back as she turns to guide us into her room. “She’s just applying thefinishing touches in the bathroom,” she says. “She’ll be right out.”

I crack my neck to relieve the tension ratcheting my spine into an unbending line. More sweat collects on my palms, and I pass the bouquet back to Maverick so that I can dry them once more.

“Oh my gosh, how sweet,” Eve whispers. “This was your idea?”

I roll my eyes and take the bouquet from Maverick again. “Yes.”

“Let me see that.” She plucks the bundle from my hand and glides to the bedside table. After pulling out the top drawer, she digs around inside and lifts a few colored ribbons from the shadows. She places the flowers on the bed, then studies how the colors look against the blossoms.

“Pink is her favorite,” I whisper.

Eve and Maverick slowly turn to look at me.

“What? She wears it all the time, so I noticed.”

“You reallydohave it bad,” Eve says with a smile as she pulls the pink ribbon from the group and fastens it around the stems. “I love that for Cat.”

I grumble my thanks and snatch the flowers from her hand. That’s when the bathroom door opens, and Cat steps into the room.

If anyone speaks, I don’t hear it. I don’t hear anything as Cat comes toward me in a pale-pink dress. The shimmering satin hugs her body. A slit runs up either side, revealing her gorgeous legs with every step she takes. Clear rhinestones glisten at her waist, catching the light and throwing a rainbow of blinding colors against the ceiling and floor.

“Goddamn,” I whisper. “You have never looked more beautiful than you look right now.”

I hold out my hand, and she slides her fingers across my palm. As I pull her into me, I don’t care that we have an audience. Even if they throw my sweet words back at me later, I won’t care. If I don’t kiss this woman right here, right now, I’ll implode. That’s my greatest concern at the moment.

Leaning down, I press my lips to hers, reveling in the way she can’t help but smile. My hands want to dive into her hair, but I keep them planted on her waist. There’s no telling how much time she spent styling the curls to sit so perfectly on top of her head, and I don’t want to ruin this moment.

I pull back and look into her eyes. “I don’t know how I’ll keep my hands off you, kitten.”

“Hopefully, you won’t have to,” Eve says. “That’s where we come in. Dinner starts at seven, and the ballroom opens at eight. We can’t do shit about dinner, but the ball is a different story. If we all work in shifts, we can keep Kindra away from the topmost western corner, where you two can dance and fuck around in peace.”

“What’s in that corner?” I ask.

Cat giggles and looks up at me. “Let’s just say that Eve and I did a little redecorating, with Kindra’s permission, of course.”

“Kindra’s big surprise was crowning Cat and Maverick as king and queen of the ball. We talked her out of it, and I mentioned that it might be fun to set up a couple of private play areas for people who may need them. She loved the idea. That’s where you guys will be, safely tucked away from everyone.” Eve grins, clearly pleased with herself.

“What happens when Kindra wants to know where Cat is?” I ask.