“About the attraction? Or that it was mutual?”
I stare at him. “Both.”
With a smirk, he steps beside me and joins me against the wall. “The attraction was instant. No, don’t argue. I was there, or have you forgotten?”
I close my mouth.
“Had you just acted on it then, we might not be in such a mess now,” he adds. “I haven’t mentioned my suspicions to Kindra, but has Cat considered how this will affect her?”
“Affect who? Kindra?” I roll my eyes. “That’sallCat worries about. She thinks everyone will ostracize her if they find out, and that’s why she’s made me keep it a secret.”
“Can you blame us?” Ezra pins me with a deadpan glare. “You’re nearly as deplorable as our father when it comes to women. Would you really fault Kindra for wanting to look out for her friend?”
“That’s the other part Cat’s worried about. She thinks everyone will harass the fuck out of me and tell me not to hurt her.”
“She’s right. We absolutely will, myself included.”
“I haven’t hurt her the entire time we’ve been here. Hell, I’ve been saving her ass and helping her any chance I’ve had.” I glance around to be sure we’re still alone, then drop my voice to a whisper. “And I’ve liked it, Ezra. I’ve liked caring for her and pleasing?—”
He holds up a hand. “I’m good on that score, old chap. Let’s keep it to must-knows.”
“I care about her. That’s all I’m saying.”
He puts his arm around my shoulder. “And that’s the only answer you need provide. The rest will come with time. It might take some longer than others to wrap their minds around it, and acceptance might be hard won for Kindra, but it will come.”
“Well, now that you know, can you try to keep Kindra out of the way?”
Ezra smiles at me. “Not a chance.”
“Oh, come the fuck on. How soon you forget the part I played in your littleromance.”
“Yes, but I’ll be sent to the doghouse when Kindra discovers I knew and didn’t tell her. If I don’t want to live there permanently, I must meddle in your affairs as little as possible. As a man in love, surely you understand.”
I kick off the wall and go to the weapon table. “Who said anything about being in love? We’re just fucking.”
“And justwhomis Bennett fucking?” Kindra says as she enters the shed. “Let me know so I can book her a stay at the nearest CDC.”
Feminine giggles reach my ears, and I turn to see Cat and Eve behind Kindra. Cat’s wide grin doesn’t reach her eyes, and the laugh is fake as fuck.
So why does it poke a soft spot in my heart?
“No, seriously, who is fucking Bennett?” Cat asks as she stands behind her friend. “I want to know too.” Her eyes narrow and the muscles in her jaw jump as she grits her teeth and glares at me.
Ezra better make room in that doghouse.
I look at Cat. “She’s beautiful, intelligent, witty, and no woman can come close to her in bed. I’m not in love with her, but it’s probably the closest I’ve come. The closest I’ll ever come. She saw a man alone on an island, and she didn’t pass him by. She joined him.” I move my gaze to the other three in turn. “When she’s ready to meet all of you, she will, and I only ask that you keep your shit-ass comments to yourselves. If you want to make fun of me, go for it, but leave her out of it. Are we clear?”
Cat’s jaw relaxes. Ezra nods, and Eve and Kindra exchange glances.
“Now . . . is that enough for everyone, or do I need to draw you a fucking picture?” I turn back to the weapon table and grab the blow gun and some darts. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
With my tools in hand, I push past the group of stunned and silent onlookers and step outside. A blast of icy wind snakes into my hood, and I tighten it around my face.
The sleigh pulls into the clearing moments later. The dark horses come to a stop, then hang their heads and doze as Jim, Ice Pick, and Maverick climb down from the carriage. Jim and Ice Pick meander toward the armory, but I pull Maverick aside before he can follow them. Once we’re far enough from the shed, tucked into a little copse of trees, I come to a stop. Gripping his yellow coat, I turn him to face me.
“Ezra knows,” I say, keeping my voice low.
Maverick pulls off his gaudy Pit Vipers and gawks at me. “Me, Grim, Rose, and nowEzra? The secret will be out to everyone by the end of the hunt!”