“Oh, yes, we’ve packed the final two days full of fun. We’re doing a hunt in the morning, though it won’t be nearly as grand as what we do on the island.”
“A hunt in the dark? Are you sure that’s wise?” I glance down the staircase, and my eyes fall on Cat. “We have more women than usual, and I’d hate to see one of them get hurt.”
Jim chuckles and shakes his head. “We all know how sad you’d be if Miss Novak fell victim to the Cattle, but safety measures have been put in place, I assure you. The entire hunting ground has been rigged with cameras, which will be monitored during the event to ensure the safety of all guests. We don’t want another problem like we had at the summer retreat.”
He’s being sarcastic, but I’m genuinely concerned about Cat’s wellbeing. The hunts can get crazy.
“After getting lost in the woods, I doubt Cat wants to go on another trek through the frozen forest.” I offer a small laugh. “She’ll probably sit this one out anyway.”
Jim shakes his head and looks down the staircase. “No, I think she has every intention of attending. That’s what she was just discussing with Maverick. He’s offered to take her out to the range to practice with a bow.”
Anger runs through my veins like molten lava. My skin heats, and a light sweat rises on my brow. We took Maverick under our wing when he came to us a few years ago, and now he’s not only taken my job away from me, but he’s about to take the girl too.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” I say under my breath.
“Beg pardon?”
I look at Jim and smile. “Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.” I give him a parting wave, then head to my room. “See ya, Jimbo.”
“That’sJim,” he says to my retreating back. “You know Ihatebeing called Jimbo. It’s so . . . unrefined.”
I ignore him and keep walking. I don’t even spare a glance down the stairs as I stride past the two chatty lovebirds at thebottom, but I feel Cat’s gaze bore into me as I pass. She can lie to herself all she wants, but I know the truth. What I feel isn’t a one-sided infatuation. This obsession goes both ways, and I’ll make her admit it to me by the end of this retreat.
Hell, I’ll make her admit it to everyone.
But before I can do any of that, I need to wrench her away from Maverick’s claws.
The door clicks shut behind me once I enter my room. I hurry to the closet, nearly tripping as I rush to step out of my swim trunks. Cat still needs to dress, and she’ll probably want time to paint her face, since she’ll be with Maverick, but that’s why I’m in a rush. If I want to know why Maverick’s had a change of heart about the girl, I need to talk to him when she’s not around.
Especially if I want to properly sabotage things and ensure she chooses me.
As I’m pulling on my coat, I hear the door to her bedroom click shut. Moments later, the pipes hum in the walls as she starts the shower.
“Good girl,” I say under my breath as I tie my shoes. “Give me all the time I need to make you mine.”
And she will be mine. I’ve made up my mind on that matter. It has taken me too long to find a woman I’m unwilling to share, and now that I have, I refuse to let her go. If I have to chain her to the bed and make her come until she’s insane enough to love me, I’ll do that.
I’ll do whatever it takes. And it starts today.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
He’s difficult to track down, but I eventually find Maverick in the barn. Instead of setting up the sleigh, however, he’s busy fiddling with one of the snowmobiles, which is great. The snowmobile is far less romantic.
“Little dark for a drive through the woods, huh?” I say as I step closer.
Maverick looks up and smiles, and I want to punch his white teeth until they aren’t so straight anymore. “I’m taking Cat out to practice with the bow. You’re welcome to join.”
“You sure you didn’t want it to be just the two of you?” I raise an eyebrow and wait for his answer.
“No. Why would I want that?” He eases the snowmobile out of the barn until the treads meet the snow. “I know she has a thing for me, but I see her as a?—”
“Little sister. Right.”
“Yeah.” He turns to face me. “But if I saw her as something else, would that be a problem?”
I don’t much care for the tone of voice he’s using with me, and I don’t even know where this sudden hostility is coming from. I fold my arms over my chest and posture to remind him that he’s the pup here.