She tries to scramble away, but I keep her ass tucked against my pelvis, right where it belongs. By the time I release her, I’ve left red marks on her hips that will be bruises within the hour.
With a frustrated squeal, she dips her hand between her legs and tries to hurry to the bathroom. I grab her arm and yank her against me before she can get more than a few steps away.
“Hey, I said you have to keep my come between your legs while you eat lunch. You aren’t leaving this room any other way.”
“Bennett, honey...” She laughs. She actually fucking laughs as she plucks my hand from her arm. “I had sex with you to answer a burning question in my mind. The question is answered, and unless I want burning questions in my vagina, I’m going to clean up.”
This bitch.
I follow her into the bathroom, pushing through the opening before she can shut the door in my face. “Is this because I came too fast? Look, it’s been a while since I’ve had sex, and you’re insanely hot.”
She grabs a rag from the rack by the sink and begins running it under the warm tap. In the mirror, I see the way she tries to hide her laughter by pressing her lips together.
“Give me another shot,” I say. “I’ll fucking show you. I’ll come prepared.”
“I don’t know . . .”
“Come on. You’ve been keeping me worked up for days now. Next time, I’ll be ready.”
She waves the rag in my face, trying to shoo me out of the room. “Can I wash my pussy in peace, please? I don’t want to miss another meal!”
With a sigh, I turn for the door. “Okay, but this isn’t over.”
And it’s not. The first moment I have alone with Cat, I’ll make up for this.
Chapter Twenty-Three
As I step into the dining room, I feel like everyone’s eyes are on me. I feel like everyone knows that I fucked Bennett.
And liked it.
He was so terrified that getting off so quickly would be a huge turnoff, but I’ve never felt more confident and desired. Nothing can make a woman feel taller than when she’s just pulled a man’s soul from his body using only her pussy.
While he wasn’t inside me for very long, I’m already thinking about next time. I’ll have to pretend I’m not, though. If he knows how badly I want him to fuck me stupid, he’ll lose interest. And that’s a very real fear. It’s also part of the reason why this situation grows more terrifying with each sexual encounter. Instead of getting it out of my system, I’m creating a very unhealthy addiction.
“I saved you a seat!” Eve calls from a table near the wall. She’s seated beside Kindra and Ezra.
I make my way to their table, careful to walk like I didn’t just have a massive, pierced cock between my legs. Lunch has already been served, and judging by the nearly empty plates in front of each diner, I’m running out of time before dessert arrives.
“What’s on the menu today?” I ask as I take a seat.
Kindra leans past Eve and gives me a wave. “Lamb lollipops, and they are amazing. Much better than the literal human rump roast he served at the summer retreat.”
We still have two days to go, so she shouldn’t get too complacent. If she doesn’t want Chef Maurice to slide in some sneaky cuts of meat, then she’ll have to stay on top of him.
Bennett enters the dining room as I’m demolishing the second of three lamb lollipops. He’s changed into a forest-green Henley and pushed the sleeves up, exposing his thick forearms. As I remember how those powerful arms held me in place when he filled me, a low moan leaves my lips.
“They can’t be that good,” he says as he takes a seat beside me. “Where the fuck is my plate?”
Ezra leans forward and clears his throat. “If you want to have lunch, you should be in the dining room when lunch begins.”
“Why the fuck does Cat get food and I don’t? She wasn’t here, either!” He folds his arms over his chest and pouts, then realizes his misstep. How did he know I wasn’t at lunch unless he was with me? “I heard her door shut a few minutes before I came down, so I know I wasn’t that far behind her.”
I relax again, and he has a point. It does seem a little unfair. I’d give him the rest of my food if the act of kindness wouldn’t look so suspicious. Then again, he did help me out at the activity...
I slide the plate in front of him. “You can have the rest of mine.”