Page 131 of Slay Ride

My eyebrows pull together as I hold the phone toward the doctor. I never knew they were acquainted.

“It’s for you,” I say with a smirk.

Doc Whitlow takes the phone and licks his lips, trying to wet them with his sandpaper tongue. “Hello?”

His eyes widen and his skin turns a ghostly gray as Jim says something to him, but his demeanor quickly shifts to something more joyful. He smiles and nods, offering yeses at every turn.

Cat keeps the scissors in place, ensuring he can’t lash out at either of us, but she looks between me and the phone repeatedly. Questions haunt her eyes, but I know about as much as she does.

Is that Jim?she mouths.

I nod.

The color returns to Doc Whitlow’s cheeks, and he hands the phone back to me. I press it to my ear.

“Turn him loose,” Jim says. “I’m buying out his little hospital spa, and I’ll replace any staff as you see fit. Your mother will never want for anything again, Bennett, I promise you that.”

My shoulders droop. Owing a friend money is far worse than owing money to an asshole. At least you don’t have to feel guilty when you can’t pay the asshole.

I shake my head. “I can’t do that, Jim. You know my situation.”

“Oh, about that. Once the deal is done and the hospital has transferred ownership, I want you to take on your first hit under me. After the appropriate amount of time has passed, you’ll murder Doctor Whitlow so that I can recoup my money.” He laughs on the other end of the phone, the devious joy palpable in that tittering sound.

But then his words register.

“First? You’re . . .”

“Yes. I’m hiring you. Unlike your previous employer, I like your flair, boy. I didn’t want to mention it at the retreat because Idon’t like to mix personal time and business, but now the retreat is over. I’m already at the airport, ready to head back to my island.”

I stumble backward and sit on the hospital bed. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

That’s a horrible choice of words, because I fear I’m about to have one now.

“Bennett, what’s wrong?” Cat asks.

I motion for her to come to me, and after a moment’s hesitation, she slides away from the doctor and sits beside me on the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I say with a laugh. “Absolutely nothing now.”

I lean down and kiss her.

Chapter Fifty-Three


Down on the first floor, Bennett leads me through a maze of hallways until we reach a glass wall overlooking a courtyard. Aside from a woman sitting at a small table near the hedges, the grounds are empty.

My body still hasn’t adjusted to the difference in temperature. Each time we step outside, I brace myself for a frigid wind, and this time is no different. But the cold doesn’t come, and we’re bathed in Florida sunshine as we step toward the woman at the table.

Bennett warned me that he doesn’t know what state of mind she’s in. He said she may be a little confused. I don’t have any experience with diseases of the mind, so I don’t know what to expect.

As we draw near, she lowers her coffee cup and looks up at us. She gives Bennett a wave, but I see no recognition in her eyes. My heart breaks for him, but then I see the smile on his face.

“Hey, Miss Tierney. I’ve brought a friend to see you.” He places his hand on the small of my back and pushes me toward her. “Her name’s Cat, and she made a very long trip to say hello.”

His mother looks up at me, then fiddles with her hair. “Oh goodness, all this way for me? Are you here for more tests?”