He moves beside me, then drapes his suit jacket over my shoulders. I pull it snug and settle back with a sigh.
“This couldn’t have gone any worse,” I mutter.
Bennett takes my hand. “Why didn’t you let me take the heat? I wanted to protect you.”
I grit my teeth to fight back the tears, but I quickly give up and let them come. “I’m sick of being protected all the time. I’m tired of everyone believing Ineedthe protection. Maybe, for once in my life, I wanted to be the one to protect someone else.”
“No, don’t call me that.” I push him away. “I don’t want to be a kitten anymore. I want to be strong. Fearless. A tiger or a fucking bobcat or even a regular house cat, but not a kitten. I want to be proud of who I’m fucking instead of terrified to tell everyone! I want to be proud . . . of me.”
Someone knocks on the cubicle, followed by Ezra saying, “Is now a bad time?”
“No, having your woman barge in and fuck up a wet dream was a bad time,” Bennett mumbles.
“Come in,” I say.
Ezra eases the door open, keeping his eyes on the shining floor as he speaks. “Kindra would like you to come to our room so that you two can talk.”
I swipe the tears from under my eyes and nod, though he can’t see me. “I’m on my way.”
Ezra steps away, then leans through the doorway again. “Bennett, when Cat goes to speak to Kindra, I think it’s best if you stay with me.”
“No shit.” Bennett rolls his eyes. “I’m not sure what we’d do without your guidance.”
“Just trying to help.”
The door closes.
“Yeah? Where was the help when she was charging toward the door like the fucking feds, Ezra?” Bennett shouts, but his brother doesn’t respond.
“This isn’t his fault.” I stand and try to find some way to hold my dress together. The straps are no longer connected, and the material is in three pieces at this point. “It’s not your fault, either. I’m the one who was too scared to own this.”
Bennett stands and removes his belt. As he fastens the thick leather strap around my chest to hold up what’s left of my dress, he looks into my eyes. “You aren’t a kitten anymore, remember? Isn’t that what you said?”
He pulls it tight, then smacks my ass.
“So go on, tiger.” He pauses. “No, that sounds really gross. Like what I’d say to a kid or something. Maybe, go get ‘em, you little lynx.”
I scrunch up my nose.
“Okay, we’ll figure it out, but I need to be serious for a second.” He takes a deep breath, then kisses my cheek. “I don’t really know what it’s like to have a best friend, but I imagine it doesn’t come along often. You know, having someone who cheers you on and just wants the best for you.”
“What the fuck am I?” Ezra says from the other side of the door.
Bennett rolls his eyes and presses on. “If it comes down to it, if you have to choose between me or her . . . pick her. I’ll probably find some way to fuck this up anyway.”
I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Bennett Carter, if she’s any friend of mine, she won’t make me choose.”
“Then go tell her the truth.” He places his forehead to mine. “I’ll be waiting for you in my room when you’re done.”
“Can I bring Shorty for a spend-the-night party?”
“I’ll be waiting for you in your room when you’re done.” He places a kiss on my nose and slips out of the booth.
I’ve been standing outside Kindra’s door for a solid seven minutes, and I still can’t bring myself to knock. After putting everyone through hell, it all came down to this moment that I’ve been desperately trying to avoid. There’s nowhere left to hide, though, and it’s time to do the scary thing.
My pulse beats in my cheeks as I raise my hand and knock.