“Why only twenty-three minutes?”
I raise my watch to my face. “Twenty-two now, and fuck if I know. Eve didn’t exactly give me the rundown. She just said to start a timer for thirty minutes, then be out of here before it’s up.”
“She’s come up with something, but what?” Her thumbnail goes into her mouth, and as she nibbles, I imagine pushing something else past her lips.
I grip the bowtie and pull at both sides until something rips. Free of my chains, I stand and go to her. “What does it matter, kitten? For the next twenty minutes, you’re mine.”
Her worries melt away when my lips press against her neck. A soft moan slides out of her, and her hand moves toward my dick. She grips it through the dress pants.
“Did you already get started without me?” she asks.
The song fades, and each movement of my tongue sounds like a firework crackling in a silent sky. Why is it so fucking quiet?
“We had a special song request tonight,” a voice says through the speakers, and I’m almost certain it’s Ice Pick.
“No, not now,” Cat whispers.
The song starts, and I know exactly what it is by the first note.
“This song goes out to Bennett, wherever he is,” Ice Pick says. “From your friends Kindra, Ezra, and Cat.”
As Ice Pick lowers the mic, Tom Jones’ buttery vocals caress my brain as he reiterates how unusual this situation is not. It’s such a good song that I’m not even mad at Kindra’s little joke.
“I’m sorry, Bennett. She thought it would be funny,” Cat says.
I pull down one of the slender straps holding her dress upright. Leaning down, I kiss her skin and revel in the bite of salt against my tongue. “No need to apologize. It is funny.”
I lower the other strap and kiss her shoulder.
“Really?” she asks. “You aren’t mad?”
“Not even a little bit.”
I pull her closer, reach behind her to drag down the dainty zipper, then lower her dress to her hips. My mouth waters at the sight of her full breasts. She didn’t bother with a bra, and her pale pink nipples beg for my mouth.
Unable to stop myself, I move her to the couch and get on my knees in front of her. She’s delicious perfection, and I amsohungry. I raise her dress to her hips and kiss her inner thighs.
“Wait a second,” Cat says. “You’re always going down on me and making me come my brains out. Let me have a turn.”
“Kitten, as much as I would love to feel your mouth on me, we don’t have a lot of time.”
“Bullshit. We don’t have a lot of time right now, but when we get back home, you can eat me for every meal of the day for all I care. We’ll have lots of time then.”
I want to ask if she’s serious, if I can live inside her for the rest of my life, but there will be time for talking later. Right now, I’m about to get my dick sucked.
Needing no further encouragement, I climb onto the couch and begin unfastening my pants. Cat swaps places with me,getting on her knees and taking my cock in her hands as soon as it’s free.
She starts by stroking me to the beat of the song, which is pretty fucking fast-paced. I can only hope Tom Jones stops crooning before she puts her mouth on me. I won’t last longer than the chorus at that speed.
But as the song gears up for its final thirty-second push, she lowers her mouth to my cock, and I grip the cushions for dear life. The woman is sucking the very soul from my body, and to top it off, she stays on beat. When her fingernails curve around the base of my cock and brush against the piercings running through my tightening balls, a pleasure-laced groan comes out of me like a growl.
The song ends, and another replaces it, but Cat keeps going. She matches the beat once more, and I’m thankful it’s a slow R&B number. I was two eight-counts away from filling her throat.
With a final, long lick up my shaft, Cat looks at me. “How much time do we have left?”
I pull my watch around to my face and squint into the screen. “Seventeen minutes.”
It’s a lie. At this point, I’m just guessing about the time. When she was busy giving me the best sloppy toppy I’ve ever had, I must have bumped my watch. The timer stopped at eighteen minutes and some seconds, and I don’t want to tell her. She’ll probably panic for no reason and put an early end to our fun.