Kindra sighs. “Okay, bitch. But no matter what, I’m here if you need me. You just say the word, and we’ll charge in and run him off.”
Maverick steps closer to Cat and puts his arm around her. I understand why he’s doing it, and the rational part of my brain is grateful. But the rational part of my brain is also small and malformed. The irrational side is large, volatile, and incredibly pissed off at this sight, despite demanding it of Maverick.
“You ladies have nothing to fear as long as I’m around,” he says. “I’ll protect her body”—he looks down at her—“and her heart.”
“Gross, but good for you,” Kindra says with a grimace. She takes Cat’s hand in hers and gives it a squeeze. “Good luck out there today. Make me proud.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Cat rolls her eyes, then pulls Kindra in for a hug.
I wish Kindra and Eve would move the fuck along so that Maverick can remove himself from Cat’s personal space. His arm is practically super-glued to her shoulder, and if his fingertips dip much lower, they’ll need dental records to identify his body.
Kindra and Cat part, and Cat gives the two women a little wave as they start toward Jim and Ezra, who stand just outside the armory. Ezra hands a hatchet to Kindra as she approaches, and she passes the weight between her hands, testing the heft. The little group begins to talk, but I can’t hear what they say. They’re too far away.
I look at Cat. “Here’s how today is going to work,” I begin, but she holds up a pink glove and shakes her head.
“I don’t need any help. You two can kill who you want, and I’ll kill who I want.”
“Sounds good to me,” Maverick says, and I swat his arm.
“No, thatdoesn’tsound good. When I—” I stop and clear my throat. “Whenyoutook her out to the range, those targets were static. She’s a good shot, but now she has to aim at a moving target that’s weaving through trees and trying to escape.” I point to the dart gun lying on the ground. “You and I will swap back and forth between tranqing and hunting. Cat is strictly hunting. If you don’t like it, take it up with the manager. Now go find a weapon and meet us here when you’re done.”
“Shouldn’t Cat come with me?” he asks. “You know, for believability.”
I grab Cat’s arm and pull her closer to me. “No. She can stay right here.”
Cat glances at the growing group milling around outside the armory, then snatches her arm from my hand. “He might be right, Bennett. We’ve raised enough suspicion for one day. Four people know, and that’s four too many.”
“Suit yourself,” I say with a shrug, “but if you go into that armory with Maverick, I might just have to make the number, oh, six? Seven?”
“Are you blackmailing me?”
Maverick holds up a finger. “Well, it wouldn’t be extortion because he’s not?—”
“Shut up, Maverick!” Cat and I say in unison.
He raises his hands and takes a step back. “You two have fun. I’m gonna go do my own thing.”
“Wait, no, we’re sorry!” Cat says as she races after him. “Bennett, look what you did!”
She follows him into the armory, whispering pleas the entire way. I stay in the trees for as long as I can stand it before I finally trail after them. I’m almost to the doorway when Eve steps into my path.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She raises one of her perfect eyebrows and looks me up and down. “Can’t you let them have a single moment to themselves? What is your fucking damage, Benson?”
I run my tongue over my teeth and crack my neck to release the tension building there. “I don’t know how you think it’s any of your business. You’ve known her for what, four days? I’ve known her for months. If I want to glue myself to her fucking asshole and create the next iteration of the human centipede, I fucking will, and there is nothing you or your new little pal can do about it.”
She smirks down at me. “We’ll see about that.”
Having heard our voices, Cat hurries out of the building to break up the brewing argument. I only begin to relax when I see that Maverick isn’t following her.
Eve works fast—much faster than I can—and slides her arm through Cat’s. “Do you mind if I join the three of you on thehunt? I figure maybe Kindra and Ezra could do with a little alone time.”
Cat’s blue eyes jump to mine. I mentally plead with her to say no, to come up with any excuse she can pull out of her brain, no matter how ridiculous. I will go along with whatever story she concocts as long as it ensures our privacy.
If I have to watch Maverick paw at her all day, I will implode.
Cat licks her lips, clears her throat, and smiles sweetly at Eve. “I don’t see why not. Welcome aboard.”