Page 76 of Broken Dreams

She caters to my needs more than that bitch Ophelia, and will allow me to tour her inventory as needed. The extra perks have me coming back for more, and she’s near where the club is currently located.

Walking through the warehouse, I see the smooth walls of the building, clean floor, but that’s where the “luxury” ends. These omegas are less high maintenance than Ophelia’s, as some of hers get their own nook to sleep in with their own things. Honestly, it’s wasted time and resources for sex slaves. They need to know their place, which is on their knees working.

My omegas sleep on the floor, against walls, and only the ones who are regularly on my dick get anything nice. Alisa has a blanket and a pillow because I regularly fuck her. I’m sureeveryone is jealous of the nice things I give her, though no one’s tried to steal them.

“I have some new stock in,” Madam Clara prattles on, making me nod pleasantly despite the fact that her voice annoys me. She’s an alpha, and she moves in a way that says she expects the world to bow down to her because of her designation.

It’s not an attractive thing to see in a woman.

“Lead the way,” I say pointedly. It’s three in the morning, which is the only time I had to come in. Thank God she doesn’t seem to sleep much.

Her hips sway with purpose rather than seduction under her long sleeve jumpsuit as she walks. The long entryway leads to an open area that I’m sure catches a draft in the winter. Cages line the walls as she leads me to the middle of the space.

“How many did you say you needed?” she asks, greed and excitement in her eyes.

Clara has been laying low after an idiot mafia man tried to sell an omega out of Minneapolis to her. It’s well known in the trafficking circles, and I always keep my ear open for trouble and gossip. She hasn’t had an auction in almost a year, though she’s still making good money on the side.

I think she may be considering moving her operation out of the Chicago area completely. Being on the wrong side of a pack isn’t a good place to be, and somehow they haven’t been able to find her to throttle and torture her. That’s the problem with these meat head packs: they’re too small minded.

“Two,” I say shortly, my eyes moving over the raised cages. She has a crane that allows her to move inventory wherever she needs, which also means she doesn’t need as many staff.

Clara also has several firearms on her and is deadly. Just because she’s pretty, doesn’t make her a pushover.

Losing Makayla and Linus is really putting a crimp in my business. I need fresh meat I can put on display, offering them up to the highest bidder to have the first fuck.

There is a female and male omega watching me with wide eyes in a corner. They’re actually in the same cage, squished together tightly. Hmm.

“What’s their deal?” I ask gruffly. I only care about their background because omegas that already have some kind of history together sometimes are more inclined to protect the other.

This means they’ll behave so the other isn’t hurt. It doesn’t always work in their favor, and I will twist that familiarity so they’ll bend in every way possible for me. It’s why I was always on Makayla’s ass. Linus did whatever I needed him to in an effort to protect her.

They thought they were so smart, but I knew they were special to each other. Captivity has a way of bringing people together, however I don’t have that kind of time. I need a pair of already bonded omegas.

“They’re siblings,” Clara murmurs. “Well, step-siblings, but they won’t leave each other’s side. It’s easier to keep them in the same cage and frees up space.”

The callousness of her tone makes me smirk. She doesn’t give a shit about these people unless it’s regarding how much she’ll make. If she wasn’t such a hard nosed bitch, I’d like her more. I just know she’s going to drive a hard bargain for them now that she knows I like them.

Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers.

Moving toward the cage, I squat down before the siblings. I can market them as blood relatives and I’ll make a killing. I have a group of clients who would lose their minds over watching them fuck and fucking them.

The girl is wearing panties and nothing else, Clara’s version of late night staging. She has pretty, long blonde hair, though it’s not as light as Makayla’s. Still, my clients love blondes, and she has interesting eyes. One of her eyes is blue while the other is a milky white.

“Is she blind in either eye?” I ask Clara. I don’t need an omega who may be defective.

“No, Alpha,” Clara says. “Apparently it just happened when she was a kid. Their aunt sold them to me. They’re both eighteen.”

Hmm, that’s perfect.

“Have either of them been through a heat?” I ask, already beginning to count my potential money. I don’t know how they’re still here. “Also, how long have they been here?”

“Neither have, but they’ve both presented as omegas,” she says. “They’ve only been here a week.”

It’s my lucky day. Fuck yeah.

Smirking, I run my gaze over the boy. He’s lean and not overly muscular. There’s definitely a certain type of alpha who enjoys this body type. His dirty blonde hair and blue eyes definitely give boy next door vibes, making my dick threaten to thicken. I’m not typically into fucking males, but I could fuck his ass from behind and forget he doesn’t have tits.

Yeah, they’ll do just fine.