Page 5 of Broken Dreams

“I never thought we’d have kids,” Morris murmurs. “This is a really good surprise, baby.”

Adira gives them all the most heartbreakingly beautiful smile, and my heart clenches. I’m so damn happy for her.

“Congratulations, Short Stuff,” I say, grinning. “Does this mean you’re all going to become cavemen who won’t let her do anything?”

“Ah fuck,” Jed groans. “Adira…”

“Absolutely not,” she barks, doing a damn good impression of an alpha. She’s adorable. “Being pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t go to school or help Cian with some of the reform things we’re discussing. I haven’t suddenly become incapable just because I’m growing a tiny person inside of me!”

“Of course not,” I murmur, trying to help.

Why is her pack glaring at me? Jesus.

“You may be a little more tired while you’re growing our tiny person,” Morris hedges. “My sister said that she was exhausted for the first trimester.”

“If we could limit the amount of dangerous shit we get into, that may help my blood pressure,” Jed asks, sighing.

“You’re not an old man,” Callum says, rolling his eyes. “Adira is going to want to continue to do her normal activities. I may just want her to carry more weapons with her while she does it.”

“Callum,” Damon groans. “Trouble follows our omega somehow.”

“It’s what I love about her and what gives me heartburn,” my brother says with a shrug. “You just got to a good place with Adira, don’t fuck it up.”

“I’m right here!” she yells, making me smirk.

“We know,” Kane says, kissing her since he’s still holding her.

“I can’t properly fight with you when you do that,” she complains.

“Well let’s not fight,” I suggest. “Come here so Callum and I can hug you and then you can blow out your candle.”

Damon curls his lip at me while I pretend to wear a halo that I definitely am not. It’s fun to fuck with them.

Sliding down Kane’s body, Adira walks around the island toward us.

“I have ground rules,” she announces.

Get ‘em, Short Stuff.

“I’m really not going to like these, am I?” Jed grumbles, dropping his head in his hands.

Morris rubs his back while winking at Adira, his long locs braided away from his face today. It gives him a regal appearance. It’s been interesting watching them all acclimate to being mated, as well as leaning into their newfound freedom now that Rock is dead.

They’re still the same hard-headed group who often need to be reminded that Adira Firestone is in charge here.

“I very much doubt it,” Morris murmurs, though he smirks.

“Tell us your demands, my queen,” Kane says indulgently, but completely meaning it. He and his voices have a soft spot for Adira, even if he is nervous about a little human joining their pack.

“I’m still going to school,” she begins, her arms crossing over her chest. Jed opens his mouth and she shakes her head. “I’m not done yet! I still have a seat at the senior mafia families table, and I want to help Callum and Duncan find Quinn.”

Oh shit. I should have expected that, and now I have the Dresmond pack glaring at Callum and I.

“Adira,” I rasp, surprised she’d insist. Well, that’s stupid, because she’s our person and has become quite the tiny badass.

“Don’t grow a patriarchal backbone now,” she snarls at me, making me wince.

“You deserved that big brother,” Callum says snickering. “If you want to help, I’m down, but there are places you’re not going to be able to come. It won’t be because you’re a girl, either. It’ll be because you’re an omega and the sex club Quinn may be at will want to keep you if you go in there. I think we can all agree that we’d prefer that not happen.”