Page 38 of Broken Dreams

“Thanks for your help,” Callum says. “If you ever need anything, here’s my card.”

The alpha hands him a small black rectangular card, and Alesso nods as he glances at it.

“Just a number. I expect nothing less,” he says with a smirk as he peels off from the group.

The other alphas slowly do the same, leaving me with Callum, Duncan, and the four other men who look as if they’re either about to rob a bank or break two omegas out of a sex trafficking club.

“Did you kill anyone important?” the last alpha who hasn’t spoken asks, his gaze unsmiling and dead as he walks beside us.

“The better question is if he deserved it,” I rasp, surprising myself. Shit, what happened to being silent and still?

“Touché. You have a good point there,” the alpha says.

“It’s too bad we can’t burn the building down, Demon,” the alpha with red hair sighs.

“I’m sure Adira will insist that we find a way to shut this operation down either way, Kane,” Demon says.

“We need to get back to her,” Callum says, snapping my attention to him.

Do they have another omega? Are they fucking collecting them? Fuck, that’s not fair to Makayla.

“She’s our omega,” Jed says, as if he can smell my building anger. It’s hard to hide it once I get going. It’s why I try to stay as even keel as possible. Makayla tends to pull it out of me. “We left her locked up tight at their house while we came to help the Kelly brothers.”

Callum and Duncan Kelly. So they’re both alphas that garner loyalties from others. That’s good to know.

“Oh,” is all I can say as we walk toward an alley.

“Adira is also Callum and my best friend,” Duncan says. “We saved each other. I’m sure you can understand that.”

I do, but my relationship with Makayla is less than platonic. Rolling my lips in, I say nothing as we continue to use the darkness to our advantage.

“They’re not fucking,” Kane says, smirking. “She’s ours. We just share her, in the most platonic of ways possible, with them.”

“Quinn has nothing to worry about, and we’ll have no problem telling her that,” Jed grunts. “Here’s our ride. I’m getting twitchy.”

“I’ll bring the truck up,” Callum says as he disappears with the other alphas down the alleyway.

Shit. Duncan crosses his arms over his chest as we wait, and I hold Makayla tightly in my arms. Did I just fuck up?

It feels like I did.


Explaining my friendship to a second outside person wasn’t on my bingo card for tonight. I knew I’d have to discuss it with Quinn because Adira is going to want to meet her. We’re so enmeshed in each other‘s lives, it’s ridiculous.

Yet, we’re happily co-dependent and reliant on each other.

It’s also a really fucking complicated story.

“Adira Firestone is my best friend outside of the girl in your arms,” I say thickly. “The pack who just walked into that alley is Pack Dresmond, and one of the most feared groups of people in the Midwest. Callum and I despise anything to do with sex trafficking and auctions, because in our hearts, we knew that she’d probably been sold. Pack Dresmond was in one hell of a power struggle between their father and their omega and needed help.”

“Where are you going with this?” Linus asks, brow furrowing. “Omegas are really jealous. You need to know that…”

Oh, I’m quite aware, Little Omega. Adira is just different.

I can’t tell him that without him getting jealous on Quinn’s behalf. I need to explain somehow though, because I can see him being a hellcat. Fuck, I don’t know why that thought turns me on, but I need to rein it in.

“I know. Some shit went down and I bought Adira with my brother at an auction,” I tell him. “The alphas at auction are?—”