It’s been two more nights of sex and knots for Makayla, her heat abruptly cutting off as if hitting a time limit. This is what happens when your body chemistry is constantly being fucked with to maximize another man’s greed.
She simply curls up with a little moan on Alesso’s cock, snuggling up to sleep.
“And she’s done,” I murmur, lips twitching. “I’ve heard she’s very abrupt when her heat breaks. Someone actually complained about it and fucked her anyway.”
“She’s adorable,” Alesso murmurs, gazing down at her with affection. “It’s like someone cut her strings. I can’t say I’m upset about it. My dick is fucking tired.”
“Ditto,” Oliver groans. It’s two in the morning, so I’ll be able to clean her up and get her to sleep. I’m not looking forward to Bret’s anger tomorrow. That’s if we don’t run into him in the hallas he comes to let these guys out. The club is still busy at this time.
We’ll have to sneak through the back hallways.
“Up we go,” Duncan breathes, jumping up to grab his clothes.
A part of me is a little sad that he’s leaving, but I know he has to. My heart fucking hurts, which is silly. Taking a breath, I grab my ridiculous leather pants and pull them on, wincing at my still hard cock. It won’t go down for a while, despite how many times Makayla has swallowed down my cum.
Damn pheromones and alphas. I don’t have time to pout, I have to get Makayla from where she’s slumped over on Alesso and go. The other alphas get dressed while I lift Makayla slowly off Alesso’s dick. His hiss makes me wince, because it’s clear he doesn’t want to let her go despite his sore cock.
Holding her in my arms, I begin to leave, when Duncan holds his hand up.
“We can’t let you do that yet,” he says. “Just wait, okay?”
“I don’t want to deal with Bret,” I admit, sighing. “He’s going to be in a shit mood because I didn’t work for four days.”
Alesso, Oliver, and Lucas all pull out their phones and click something on it.
“Now he can’t complain, because we all just sent him remittance for your absence,” Oliver says with a shrug.
“I’ll also send ours once we leave,” the alpha with the crown murmurs. “Hopefully he decides to check on us soon, or we’re just going to walk out like we own the place.”
“Walk out?” I ask, confused. Surely he’s not suggesting…
“Oh yeah. I’m Callum, by the way,” the alpha says. “You two can’t stay here anymore, Linus. It's clear that Bret is one bad mood away from snapping Makayla’s neck.”
Blowing out a breath, I look down at my best friend’s body.
“Help me get this on her,” Callum says, holding up his long sleeved shirt. Oh, the reason I can still see his tattoos is because of his bare chest.
God, get it together, Linus. I feel tired and spacey, and I’m unsure what’s got me feeling so odd.
Shifting her in my arms, I help him get his shirt onto her body. It smells like coconut and oak, clean and fresh. I usually can’t tell what a scent is so clearly because of all of the other scents in a club. My nose is finally a lot clearer than it typically is.
The shirt falls to her thighs, and I drag my gaze back to the alphas. I need to wrap my mind around this. Something tells me that I’m about to run out of time.
“What is happening? Why would you want to get us out of here other than our wellbeing? In my experience, alphas aren’t this nice,” I ask point blank.
“Fuck, it’s awful that you have to say it like that. There’s a lot of good alphas, you’ve simply been shown the worst of us. Do you want the truth?” Duncan asks, brow raised.
“Yeah, of course,” I say, eyes narrowing. “I’m lied to enough, thank you very fucking much.”
“Feisty,” Alesso murmurs. “That’ll be fun for you two.”
“I’ve known Makayla since she was three years old,” Callum says, licking his thumb and rubbing it under the crown on his arm. Slowly, the name Quinn and a date in Roman numerals appear. “Her real name is Quinn, and she was kidnapped when she was fourteen. We’ve been holding out hope that we’d be able to find her ever since.”
“She’s our scent match,” Duncan says, his ears straining as he holds it against the door. “There’s a lot more to tell, but I can hear the prick coming now. This is going to move really quickly. Quinn needs you. Go with us for her.”
“The rest of the details you can figure out later,” Oliver adds.
God, they sure did band together quickly for people that don’t know each other. At least, I don’t think they do. Ugh.