Page 207 of Broken Dreams

Nodding, I lay my head on his chest, happy to listen to him breathe. I’ll never take for granted something so little.

“Can I ask you something?” I ask him. My mind is stuck on Christian now. He’s spent two nights this week at his apartment and I’ve missed him.

“You can ask me anything,” Callum rumbles, making me shiver. “Settle down, Quinnie, or we won’t get anything done.”

Would that be so terrible?

While I thought this, Callum snorts. “I heard that, baby.”

“Getting this train back on the tracks,” I tease him, “what do you think about asking Christian to move in with us?”

“I figured you’d already have asked him,” he says. “You live here too, Quinn. God, you’re impossible.”

Pulling out his phone, I watch as he drafts a letter.

“Who is that going to?” I ask, my eyes moving over the wordsdeed,Linus,ChristianandQuinn.“Callum?”

“I am asking Domhnall, my lawyer, to change the deed to the house so that you’re also on it,” he says. “This is your house, I want to make it legal.”

“Callum,” I hiss, twisting to look at him.

“That being said, since your father is no longer with us,” he continues with a smirk, “his estate is being finalized this week. It’s going to split his assets between you and your mother. Ayla will probably want to sell everything. What do you think?”

“I don’t want any part of that house,” I agree. “I want our photos, though. Everything else can be sold. How did this happen?”

“I forged the will,” Callum says with a shrug. “Domh and Caelin are expert forgers. They were happy to help. We should make sure to open an account for you.”

Nodding, I agree. Cerenity and Augustine have been paying me in cash in the meantime. I need somewhere to put the money instead of a drawer in my nest.

“This conversation didn’t go the way I thought it would,” I say, watching as he sends the email.

“You hyped it up in your head,” he teases me. “Now, you just have to work from this spot. I don’t want to move.”

“Such a punishment,” I laugh, grabbing my laptop to continue working. His purr makes me melt against his chest, relaxing me completely.

Finishing up my work, an hour later, I pull up one of The Little Rabbit’s latest podcasts. I’ve been trying to catch them as they’re uploaded so I won’t blow hours of my day catching up. It’s become a guilty pleasure. Linus doesn’t even bother to tease me about it, because he wants all the latest tea.

“When did we start allowing people to tell us what to do?”she asks. “Not only that, but we stopped asking if it made sense as well. I’m guilty of this, I am. Our parents are the first authority figures in our lives that we listen to, giving them blanket permission to guide us in life. That’s why they’re there, right?”

“The issue with this is that they’re not always on our side. It’s sad to say, but really think about it. Do your parents have your best interests at heart, or do they have theirs? Today, I’m asking you to apply that same logic to other so-called authority figures in our communities,” The Little Rabbit says.Callumgrunts at her words, and I have a feeling I know where this is going.

“Emilia Richardson and ROWS are organizing mixers for unattached omegas to find a pack. Personally, you know I have a lot of issues with this organization due to her possible ties with sex trafficking?—”

“Oh fuck,” I gasp.

“Little Rabbit isn’t fucking around,” Callum says with a small chuckle.

“—which means that she’s not someone I believe you should entrust your love life or future to,”The Little Rabbit says. “I feel so strongly about this that I’m working with Hollis Edwards to bring free dating mixers once a month. It will be capped to a hundred people, and she will be sending me all of the details once she’s finalized them.”

“You won’t have to dress a certain way, have X amount of money in the bank, or have to prove that you deserve this,”she says. “The link will be posted here to register for them once I have it, and you’ll just show up. Alphas will be pulled from her spreadsheet of eligible packs, who are men and women that have been properly vetted. All omegas are welcome to come to this. Hollis has very high results for these events.”

Signing off soon after this as she wraps things up, I shake my head as if shaking off a trance.

“Do you want to help me do something really bad?” I ask Callum.

“You don’t need permission to fuck up someone’s day,” he says. “You’re also going to be better at coding than I am, baby. I will, however, join in on the fuckery. Spill.”

Grinning, I settle against him as I type and talk.