Page 201 of Broken Dreams

“We did,” Morris says as they come into the living room. “He’s living about two hours away. Miles has two properties, and recently moved closer to here from his Wisconsin home. From what I was able to dig up, he has business that requires his attention, which requires a second home.”

“How lucky for us,” Quinn says with an evil smile. “Can we go now?”

“Yes,” I say. My brother rolls his eyes because he knows that no matter what he says, everyone is ready to go now.

He’s the only one not dressed yet, which is funny since he lives for this shit.

“Linus, it’s up to you if you want to come with us,” Duncan says. “I expect it to be safe enough, and you’ll have weapons as well.”

“I definitely want to come,” Linus says, nodding quickly.

“We’re fixing your harnesses,” Christian rumbles. “No one should get a weapon stuck in their gear. I have things that will fit the both of you in my suitcase.”

“So you packed more than clothing,” Adira says, brow raised.

“Just a few things,” he mutters. “I missed my clothes.”

Adira can’t help her smile as they trudge upstairs, Duncan going with them.

“He grows on you,” Adira says. “He’s the reason that Quinn had a weapon the night her father creeped his way into the back yard.”

“God, that was equal parts terrifying and impressive,” Ayla says, leaning against the wall. “I’m just going to have to accept that Quinn can hold her own with all this. She’s been learning how to shoot a gun since she was a kid with you and Duncan. I’m still going to sit up and wait, though.”

“Which means you should have some hot cocoa and a snack while you do,” I say, getting up to go to the kitchen.

“I can do that,” she complains, all while I shake my head.

Just because she can, doesn’t mean she should have to. It thankfully also gives me something to do, and then I’m walking out the door with my family. Some are my pack, but they’re all important to me.

Even Christian. He does grow on you, like fungus, I guess.


The two hours to Miles’ home fly as Callum fills us in on how he was able to hide so well. His accounts, properties, and all of his business assets are under an umbrella called Quinn Enterprises. I gagged when I found out that he’d used my name for it, despite the fact that he’s the one who renamed me.

Fucking bastard. Apparently I made an impression on him during the four and a half years I lived in his home.

“Use your anger, Quinnie,” Callum murmurs as Duncan drives. Pack Dresmond is in the car behind us, and we’re going to park the vehicles toward the back of Miles’ property and hike in.

There’s no evidence that he has dogs, his guards are all outside on property, and while his front gates are electrified, Morris says that he doesn’t think the back fence is.

Here’s to finding out.

The back road is bumpy as we go down it, and I wince as I get tossed around in the back seat between Linus and Christian. Finally, they hold me so I won’t bounce around so aggressively. I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when we’re able to park and get out of the SUV.

I was starting to get nauseous from the bouncing. I’ve never gotten carsick in my life, and I don’t want to start now.

Since we’re firmly in September, the breeze gets colder each night. I have a light coat to cover both my weapons as well as keep me warm, my eyes beginning to pan the area for any signs of video cameras.

Kane takes a page from my father’s book, spraying the lens of the cameras in the trees with black spray paint. His baby doll is making an appearance tonight now that we’re no longer playingwith fire, wrapped tightly to his back. The woven material is dark, even matching his clothing. Baby Rambo it is.

“Quinn, how do you feel about things that go boom?” Kane asks me seriously.

“Explosions?” I ask him. “In what context?”

“Do you want to blow up the house?” Jed asks, brow raised. I suddenly have a feeling that he wants to do exactly that and Jed is giving his brother the space to tell me.

“Yes,” Kane says. “I’m thinking I’ll just casually put explosives throughout the house as we walk through, and then blow it all to hell when we’re done?”