Now, I’m waiting in the dressing area at Club Serenity with Linus, feeling lighter than I’ve felt in a while. I still want to find Miles, but this break is necessary. My alphas were right to basically cut me off after the three days that I’ve been at the computer.
“Ready to come dance with me?” Linus asks, smirking as he takes my hand.
I should have thought to ask what I would be dancing to or with before I ran out of the house to come into work. Cerenity wants Linus and I on the flying pole tonight, and I glance wryly as I let him tug me into motion.
I don’t think I’ve practiced enough, despite how many years I’ve danced on a stationary pole.
Our guards walk us to our marks where Linus and I separate. The club is busy, but I’m focused on making sure I don’t fuck this up. Can I just cage dance, please?
The music changes to a song I love, and I glance at Linus who isn’t far from me, who is already moving to get enough momentum to fly. Because that’s exactly what it feels like.
Taking a cleansing breath, I grab the pole to walk around it in my high heels before I jump up, my right foot extended as I drop my head back. The feeling is addicting, and I let go of all my worries.
The beat of each note sinks into my very veins, each movement of my body fluid and strong. I forget about everyone in the room as the pole rises off the ground and Linus and I are flying together, with only muscle strength to rely on.
There’s something freeing about music. It’s what kept me sane for so many years, and what grounds me in moments ofcertainty now. I lose sight of how long we dance before we’re slowly returning to the ground, my feet hitting the floor as I twirl around it before I stop dancing.
My chest is heaving from both adrenaline and exertion as everyone applauds. Linus and I didn’t travel very far off the ground, and I never felt worried about falling. Once I let myself go, I no longer even worried about making a fool of myself either.
“That was amazing,” I yell to Linus over the crowd, wrapping my arm through his.
“It’s addictive,” he agrees, walking us over to the waiting guards.
“You’re going to find me on that pole in the courtyard more often,” I tease him with a wide smile.
“Promise to wear as little as possible, and it may become our alphas’ favorite place,” Linus snorts in amusement before pulling me behind his body.
There are two very large alphas blocking our path, and our guards move to step in front of us.
Taking a breath, I lean around all the man-muscles with a raised brow.
“Can I help you?” I ask.
One of them winces as he sees how ridiculous I must appear. Personally, I appreciate the security because of how handsy people can get, but it doesn’t appear that they’re looking to paw at us.
“We heard you may know our sister,” he rumbles. He has dark, curly hair and wears thick black glasses, reminding me of a grumpy giant as he stands there.
Come to think of it, neither of them look very happy to be here.
“Lars, Caleb,” Augustine groans. “Could we not do this in my club, please?”
“I’m sorry,” I say immediately, feeling like I did something wrong.
“No, you’re fine, Quinn,” he says. “You deserve the choice to speak to them or not.”
Linus sighs, and I have a feeling this is about Alisa.
“You’re the Finnegan’s?” I ask, still peeking out behind my guards. While I know their names, I don’t know which one is which.
“Yeah,” the other alpha says, sighing. “I didn’t think about how this would put you on the spot. Shit, we’re sorry.”
“Can we use your office?” I ask Augustine apologetically. “Linus and I are going to start getting really cold soon. The air conditioning after dancing has that effect.”
“We can wait,” the one with glasses says. “Whatever you need.”
“Fine,” Augustine grumbles. “You’re both done for the night, guys. Take your time changing, shower, whatever. I’ll take them to my office.”
Nodding, I walk back to the dressing rooms and showers to change. I wasn’t kidding, I do get really cold right after dumping so much into dancing.