“Exact address?” I ask, watching as she moves her hand even closer to the wick. Fuck, the control she has is next level as she hums in this demented way that makes me want to fuck her.
Maybe I’ve been spending too much time with Adira and her pack. After all, the tune matches Kane’s perfectly.
“Fuck, Quinn stop!” Bret yells, trying to alpha bark her. Callum doesn’t blink as he jabs him in the throat with the bat still in his possession.
“Don’t stop,” I growl, overriding Bret's command. “Callum will find the warehouse, just light him up, Quinn.”
“It’s for the best,” Cian agrees. “He’s useless.”
We’re all playing a role, well aware that it’ll make Bret freak out. He isn’t cut out for the underbelly of the criminal world unless it’s in the shadows.
Quinn shrugs as if she doesn’t care either way, her hand moving again to light the bastard up.
“Wait! Fuck!” Bret croaks out. “You’ll let me go if I tell you?”
“Sure,” she says, smiling. Anyone who can’t tell she’s lying is dumb and desperate, which perfectly describes the weak alpha in front of us.
“35433 Phillips Street,” he rasps. “It’s the warehouse with a blue door.”
“Thanks,” Quinn says sweetly, dousing the still lit flame of the lighter over the wick. “Burn in hell, Bret.”
Kane continues to hum as he shoves a sock deep into Bret’s mouth, making him gag before duct taping it shut.
“Oh that’s much better,” Cian says.
Morris watches in silence as the wick moves quickly, taking a step back. “That’s going to be the equivalent of a Molotov cocktail,” he murmurs.
“A dicktail?” Kane sings out, giving Bret some room. The flame burns hot, melting not only the wax but also the skin of his penis.
Quinn makes a face at the smell, moving closer to me to stick her nose in my clothes. The actual sight doesn’t bother her one bit, but Bret really does fucking stink.
The alpha also has an inordinate amount of body hair at his knot, making me wonder if Kane also shaved his dick for him. The pubic hair lights on fire as well, following up his happy trail to the rest of his skin. It’s only when his heart finally gives out from too many greasy burgers that Cian picks up the fire extinguisher and puts the human fire hazard out.
“Next?” Quinn asks, coughing slightly.
“I’ll clean up,” Kane says, lifting a chain saw.
“I’ll help and get the plastic sheeting,” Morris adds.
Mouthing my thanks to Morris, I escort Quinn with Cian and Callum to Riley and cleaner air.
The basement interior walls are not as well insulated, which means Riley heard every scream, and immediately pisses herself when Quinn walks in with her head held high.
“That’s an odd way to say hello,” she purrs. Wincing, I have to adjust my cock as Quinn walks ahead of me. My brother glances knowingly at me with a nod, understanding my plight. Our girl is fucking amazing.
“I don’t know anything,” Riley whimpers. “I swear. Your dad told me that he was going to tell everyone about what happened when we were kids if we didn’t help him. My parents don’t even know! Quinn, please.”
“At least you got my name right,” Quinn mutters.
I can hear screaming as someone else comes down the stairs into the basement, but they’re those of a female so I’m not too worried. My father is in my secret room gagged and tied up until I can talk to him. I don’t want my brother to have to watch me shoot our father in the head after I’m done. I want to spare him that.
Rory Kelly is a threat to our happiness and our omegas. He can’t be trusted not to stab us in the back due to his other alliances. My mother would be rolling in her grave right now if she knew what a weak sack of shit she bonded with.
Jed and Damon walk in a struggling beta who screams and fights. There’s a hood over her head, and her hands and legs are tied tightly. While they’re very proficient at snatch and grabs, I had someone else pick her up from her home.
They don’t bother to be careful as they toss her into the room, and her grunt of pain disrupts her screams.
“Sadie, it’s so good of you to join the party,” Quinn croons.