Page 177 of Broken Dreams

Cian and Duncan stare at me for a moment, having trouble with the change of subject.

“Quinn,” Cian says. “You really think they’ll all agree to come here? Fuck that, you think you’ll be able to get the location out of the weasel?”

“Watch me,” I say, grinning as I pick up my plate and stand. “Let’s get to work, gentlemen.”

I love to surprise people. It’s the best feeling in the world, and will never get old.



“The floor is yours, Quinn,” Kane says with an unhinged, excited expression. The fucker has always enjoyed blowing shit up. This is no different. “He’s hanging up from the chains in the basement, butt ass naked, injection given, and penis prepared.”

“Adira, you’re a lucky woman,” Quinn says with a smirk.

My best friend shrugs, saying, “I really am. He gives the best presents. Kane, the baby hasn’t liked it when I’m around fire lately. It makes me nauseous. Blood, not an issue, it’s just fire.”

“Oh that’s mean,” he says, dropping to his knees to kiss her stomach. He’s really excited about this baby, and has been doing everything possible to make sure he’s ready. The doll currently tied up in a back wrap is a prime example of this. “Baby, please give mommy back her ability to blow shit up with me. Ah, can I say shit, Little Rabbit?”

Quinn looks confused for a moment, and I want to see if she’s ready to connect the dots that are there for her. Instead, Adira distracts her with her laugh.

“I think you’re fine,” she says. “Maybe I should keep the baby with me too. Fire and babies don’t mix, Kane.”

Wincing, he nods and hands the baby and carrier to Adira as he stands. It’s sweet how much he wants to be a father now that he knows about the baby. Sometimes, we’re too scared to wish for the things that we think are outside of our reach.

“Here we go,” he crows, practically bouncing down the stairs to the basement.

“The last step is higher than the rest,” I explain to Quinn. “Be careful going down.”

“Don’t blow up the house, please,” Adira calls down, wincing as I snort in amusement.

“I’m a professional!” Kane yells before disappearing around the corner.

Adira huffs out a laugh as she closes the door behind us, and I descend into the newly redecorated basement. I came down to make sure nothing was too bad, but it’s officially been sectioned off into a dungeon.

For the record, not a sexy one, either.

Kane says he decided to keep the prisoners separated because they wouldn’t stop yelling at each other. While it was fun to watch on video, it got repetitive and annoying after the first day. Morris promised to take down all of the different cameras he put up once everyone was dead.

We’re all in agreement as to how this will end. The only way to keep Quinn and Linus safe is to remove anyone who is a threat so they can enjoy their lives. No one deserves to constantly be looking over their shoulder, even if we are in the mafia.

“You stupid cunt!” Bret screams as soon as he sees her. The basement is set up in several different rooms, and concretemaking it easy to string the bastard up with chains from the ceiling.

“Use your words while you can,” Quinn admonishes, swallowing hard.

This man is one of the reasons my omegas can’t sleep. My heart almost stopped when Quinn began to have a hard time speaking as Cian got in her face, wondering if her troubles were a farce. Anyone can see that it’s fear, neglect, and trauma that silenced her.

She’s not lying about her mutism.

He’s lucky Callum didn’t punch him and Christian didn’t shoot him. I may not be pro Christian yet, but I have to admit that he puts Linus and Quinn’s needs first, without any bullshit.

The door opens and closes once more, signaling that Morris, Cian, and Callum are joining us. The beta will be keeping Kane in check and Bret alive for as long as is needed.

Bret’s face is sweaty and red from fear and anger, the ground wet from what appears to be piss. There aren’t exactly bathroom breaks when you’re a prisoner. Kane told me as I made breakfast this morning that he fixed that issue by tearing up the carpet and installing a drain yesterday.

Maybe I should consider a remodel of the basement instead with a special room dedicated to torture. I doubt this will be the last time we’ll need it with how wild our lives are or who our friends are.

The things I never thought would run through my brain.