Page 18 of Broken Dreams

Well, I’m in the thick of things now. I can’t turn back. Walking together, we chatter as if we’re actually friends, not paying attention as we walk through the parking lot to the diner. A van squeals behind us, making me turn in alarm as I see the doors open.

“Run!” I scream, turning and pushing the girls away.

I can see the guards running toward us through the parking lot, almost as if they noticed pretty quickly that we’d given them the slip. I know it’ll be too late as arms reach out for me even as I struggle, pulling me through the open doors of the van.

I fight hard, scream, kick, and hit. None of it helps. The sting of a needle sinking into my throat as the doors slam shut, and a masked alpha catches me as I begin to sag.

“She was exactly where they said she’d be,” he mutters, watching my eyes begin to shut. “The girl is already sold for big money. It’s a well deserved payday, boys.”

My life is never the same when my eyes open again.

Gasping in a breath,I sit up as I look around. It’s twenty years since that day in the parking lot, and I’m reminded of how someone helped those men find me.

I was meant to be sold. This is the only life I’ll ever know.

“You okay?” Linus asks, barely moving his lips as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

We’re no longer moving, and a moment later the sliding panel door opens.

Shaking my head in the barest of movements, I follow everyone else out as we file into the Slick Dreams’ newest location.

I doubt I’ll ever be okay again.



Iwas sold at twenty-two years old to Slick Dreams through an auction house after I was kidnapped off the streets of Chicago. I was drowsy from being drugged, but I think the Madam of the house was named Clara. While I’m not sure of that, I do remember that she was an alpha and smelled like crisp apples.

She was very abrupt, businesslike, and ruled her house with an iron fist. Clara gave no shits about what my life was like before I came to the auction house, her only interest was getting paid for selling me.

I learned very quickly that Slick Dreams should be called Broken Dreams, since this is where they come to die. I was about to graduate from college at the top of my class, I even had an internship at a computer firm for the following year as well.

It all disappeared the night I was jumped, beaten up, and knocked unconscious. All of it is dust in the wind now.

My first days here at Slick Dreams were difficult. I had only had sex a few times with beta girls at school, and I’d never been with a guy before. Bret had Makayla walk me through what to do, which was difficult since she didn’t say one word to me.

This wasn’t her job, and I even heard the other omegas mutter that she didn’t typically help orient new people. I remember the way my cheeks heated when she had me undress, how her eyes clinically looked me over, and then she shaved the happy trail of hair that went from my belly button to my dick.

She even held my hand when Bret injected me with something I later learned would control my heats and also had an increased dose of antibiotics to keep me from getting an STI. Being a sex worker isn’t in the slightest bit glamorous, every step is mired with regret and throwing away any morals you may have once had. At the time, I had no idea why any of it was happening. I was just following instructions while feeling scared and confused.

I didn’t know Makayla at all, yet here she was with her hands all over me to get me ready for my first night as one of Slick Dreams’ omegas. Makayla somehow helped settle my anxiety despite the shitty situation. No one complained around me, everyone did what they had to. Which is what I did when I walked out that first night in the tiniest pair of black shorts I’ve ever worn, my muscles all on display.

I don’t have a single tattoo on my body, and Bret made a big deal out of my debut at the club. The entire time, I felt really hazy, my muscles languid and loose. I didn’t know at the time there were drugs being pumped through the vents to keep the new omegas in line.

I have quickly learned during my time here that this is what he typically does when there’s a new addition to his crew. It made my body react to the alphas touching me, who made me suck their dicks, and my asshole leak slick. There were male aswell as female alphas in the crowd, but for some reason, I was very popular that night with the males.

It didn’t keep my eyes from watering any less as I gagged on their cocks or my soul from wanting to die when one of them impaled me with their dick as he fucked me. The only thing that kept me from sobbing was watching Makayla dance, her body’s movements almost angelic.

I completely disassociated even as noises were pulled from my body from the force with which I was being used. It felt as if Makayla was watching me even though the bright lights above her couldn’t have allowed her to see me.

Yet it helped in a small way, and I made a vow to be her person, because she was already mine. She just didn’t know that yet.


Bret is in a pissy mood today, and I’m trying to stay off his radar. I’ve been getting ready for tonight, grooming myself because hair has a way of getting out of control so I’m waxing it all off.

I found a spot with a little privacy and got to work. It took forty minutes to do my entire body and I had to get Linus to help me with a few spots I couldn’t reach. His smirk was all man, and he kissed my forehead once I was done, leaving so I could get into the shower to wash off.