I can feel Linus behind me, though not his thoughts. One of them must have knocked him unconscious while I was in the bathroom stall. While my plan worked, I have to decide when to make my move, because Bret is quick to pull a gun on me as I figure out my surroundings.
“You are such a cocky bitch,” he sneers, glancing at Riley and her slimy boy toy. “Thank you for your help, I’ll send money to your accounts once I’m away from here. You may want to get those looked at. How you let this tiny girl get the drop on you is beyond me.”
The way you underestimate me is exactly why you’re going to die, I think as I watch Riley hold her hand on her shoulder and leave with the other man.
“No one will bother us here,” Bret says conversationally as he watches me. “Your father promised to give us some time to get reacquainted, Makayla. I haven’t decided if I’m going to kill you now or sell you to the highest bidder to fuck until they kill you.”
“Neither, thanks,” I say saucily, enjoying the way his face reddens.
“Now you fucking talk?” he growls.
I don’t, but I’m getting there. Shifting on the ground, I squeeze my thighs carefully together to make sure none of my weapons have been lost.
“You’re so much damn trouble,” he mutters.
He continues to talk too damn much as I scoot away from him to get closer to Linus. Bret enjoys hearing himself speak, so I half listen for anything important as he rails on about me.
“Why the fuck are you still here?” my father asks, peeking his head into the room. Slime ball numbers one and two. “They’re sounding the alarm for them. Get the fuck out or just kill them.”
“Thanks for helping me to decide what I want,” Bret says as the door slams shut again. My hand slides down my leg as I watch him lift his gun again, and I have to twist my hand in order to pull my weapon from the holster. “I suppose we’re not going to get that time after all.”
My firearm shifted in being thrown around, and it takes seconds longer than I have to pull it free. Bret’s gun goes off asmy arm goes up to shoot him, and a large body runs in front of me as I scream.
Who the fuckwas that?
I scramble to my knees as I struggle to calm myself enough to aim, however Linus rouses himself enough to get into my line of sight. Dammit, he told me not to be a martyr and yet here he is doing exactly that.
Bret’s next shot goes wild due to Linus shoving his hand away, and my heart threatens to burst from adrenaline. Knowing I’m safe from being shot for now, I turn to the body of the man who saved me.
If I can’t shoot Bret with Linus in my way, I may as well figure out who this is. Dark brown hair greets me along with broken glasses covering eyes that I know will rock me.
“Christian,” I breathe, pulling away the glasses carefully. He’s bleeding through his tuxedo jacket, and I pull my other knife from between my breasts in an effort to cut my dress to the knees to help stop the bleeding.
Linus is struggling with Bret as I open Christian’s coat and ball up the material of my dress to apply pressure. The dickweed has lost his gun, and I can see it in the corner of the room. As long as Bret can’t use it, it can stay there.
Linus is beating the shit out of Bret, his anger getting the best of him.
“Knife!” I yell at him, knowing my best friend has forgotten he’s even carrying one. He enjoys pummeling people instead, and we don’t have time for that.
Linus smiles cruelly, causing me to roll my eyes. Bret doesn’t deserve an easy death.
“Don’t kill him!” I call out, nodding as Linus pulls the knife and stabs him in the side.
Our alphas taught him all about the best places to stab but not kill someone. I’m so glad that is something he remembered.
Duncan and Callum rush in as Linus clocks Bret again for good measure to knock him out. My omega drops to his knees and I gasp, worried that he’s hurt.
“Linus,” I tell Callum, shaking my head as he starts toward me. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”
Duncan stares numbly at me, but I don’t know why. I’m working on autopilot, trying to make sure Christian doesn’t bleed out on me.
“Stupid alpha,” I whisper, shaking my head. “I had this.”
“God, Quinn, I don’t think you have any idea how amazing you are,” Duncan mutters, dropping behind me to pull away my hands. “I know, I want to see how bad it is.”
Adira and her men slam into the room a second later, my lips twitching despite the insanity of the moment. Kane is wearing his doll on his back tonight in some type of cloth, keeping it from falling.
Remembering my dad and Riley, I sigh.