Now, I recognize that as a lie. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in, and more importantly, I’m healthier too. Quinn glows brighter than I’ve ever seen her, and I love seeing the way her curves are filling out.
Bret can choke on a dick.
“Is it weird to admit that I was nervous to meet you?” Flynn asks, biting his lip as his fingers find Wren’s.
“No, because I was too,” I say with a wry grin. “I presented really late, and threw myself into my classes while I was at college. After that, the only omegas I’ve been around other than Quinn or Adira were bitchy.”
“God, they were all awful,”Quinn scrawls out on the tablet in her lap.
“For me, I get really anxious around people,” Flynn admits. “I’m sensitive to smells, protective of my space, so I wasn’t sure if this would be a good idea.”
“Which isn’t a bad thing,” I say. “From what I’ve read, those are an omega’s instincts coming into play. I don’t have those, not really.”
“Bret made sure we wouldn’t. He had favorites, and he’d play off jealousy. I’d rather sleep in a corner than buy into his fantasies,”Quinn says, shaking her head.
She never talks about anything before Bret, outside of the alpha’s name. I hate that she’s been hurt so badly she lost her voice.
“Your alphas are planning to kill him and make it hurt, right?” Flynn asks, making a face.
I can’t help but smile at him, because he doesn’t look like the type of person who would be this bloodthirsty. However, after meeting his alphas when they let us into the house and introduced themselves, I think some of the terrifying parts inside of them may have rubbed off.
“Not everyone’s alphas are serial killers,” Wren hisses.
Quinn’s shoulders tremble as she silently laughs, shaking her head.
“I may have to say that ours are,” I tell Wren, smirking. “Callum and Duncan didn’t blink an eye at killing when theybroke us out of that club. I think Bret’s days may be numbered as soon as they can find him.”
“He’s always been a coward,”Quinn says. “This party will pull him out of hiding. I’d bet anything.”
“I’d rather not use you as bait,” I grumble.
“I won’t say it doesn’t yield results,” Wren says, shrugging. “Alphas like that are hardwired to believe that they can own people.”
“A part of me feels badly that I couldn’t help anyone else,” I sigh. “Everyone was working in the main room of the floor, and most of the guards were busy playing out their voyeur fantasies. The late hour helped relax most of them.”
“Sometimes, all you can do is save yourself,” Flynn says. “You’re here with Quinn, which means you made it out. If at some point you can help others, something tells me that you will.”
Nodding, I blow out a breath. It’s hitting me now as I sit here that survivors' guilt exists. I’ve also begun to remember parts of my nightmares when I wake up, and they're about me stopping to help people only to get caught.
The subconscious is a rude and evil thing.
Quinn’s hand moves to my thigh and squeezes it to remind me that she’s there. Her existence brings me more peace than I could ever explain. I would be a mess without her in my life.
Flynn and Wren aren’t bothered by silence, and they sit with us as we bask in the warmth of the day. It’s the end of August, which means that we’ll be able to see the leaves change soon. It’s been years since I’ve been able to really enjoy the seasons.
I’m excited for all of it.
“Can I ask an odd question?”Quinn asks, finally breaking the silence.
“I don’t think there’s such a thing,” Flynn teases her. “You can ask us anything.”
“I’ve been trying to find this answer everywhere, but the internet is failing me,”she says. “As our pack forms, and bond bites happen, I started to wonder about bonds between omegas. Are they possible?”
“You want to bond with me, beautiful?” I ask her, eyes wide.
Quinn gives me an open smile, her eyes sparkling. “Of course I do. I feel like we’re left out, and I want that closeness with you,”she says.
“It’s possible,” Wren says. “It won’t be as strong, but you can do it. Flynn and I have noticed that every few months, we have to renew the bite with each other. We usually find fun ways to do it.”