“I’m still waiting, Linus,” Duncan rumbles, making me shiver as I perfume. Fuck, he’s sexy. My dick is already leaking, and I have to fight to keep myself from squirming.
“I need you to make my body submit to you,” I rasp. “I want to present my slick asshole to my alpha so you’ll knot my ass to remind me where I belong.”
Quinn whines from the couch as I watch Duncan and Callum’s faces become even darker with need.
“I guess you’d better run to your nest, little omegas, shouldn’t you?” Callum says, his usually honeyed voice filled with gravel. “I want to see you naked and presenting for your alphas. Go.”
The words may as well have been spoken in an alpha bark as I grab Quinn’s hand and she leaps from the couch so we can tear out of the room. Their chuckles are low and masculine, and I can tell they’re giving us a head start to do as they asked.
Quinn and I run to our nest with wide grins on our faces, giddy with excitement and desire. I can’t fucking wait for what happens next.
“Holy fuck, they look good together when they run,” I mutter, already standing.
“I want to tie them to the headboard, and sink my teeth into Linus’ skin to tease him. He should know what it’ll be like to be ours,” Callum says. “I’m all about an engraved invitation everyone can see.”
My lips twitch as I imagine what it’ll be like for our omegas to wear matching bite marks, one real, and the other a really enthusiastic hickey.
“Let’s work up to that,” I tease him, smirking. I know he has darker tastes, and I believe our omegas would enjoy it.
For our first time with the two of them outside of a heat, I think that may be a little much.
“Ready?” he asks, standing as well.
Besides, a little hunt through the house is pretty hot, and Ayla will be dead to the world asleep.
“We’re coming!” I yell, already moving to chase them. It hasn’t been that long since they left, and they have a way to go.
Our long strides give us the ability to watch them race up the stairs with huge smiles on their faces. There’s a freedom in their expressions, they’re not being forced to do anything, and they’re loving this.
Increasing our speed to a jog, we yell after them to get their hearts racing as quickly as their legs are, our feet pounding up the stairs. Our omegas want to be caught, and I’m hard as fuck as I chase after them.
“Are you naked yet?” I yell, listening as Linus and Quinn gasp as they run into the nest.
“You’re such a dick,” Callum smirks, his long legs eating up the distance between the nest and ourselves. Grabbing the back of his shirt, he pulls it off. “May as well catch up.”
Barking out a laugh, I begin stripping off my clothes, letting it all fall wherever it lands as I keep moving. I’ll clean it all up later. I need to see how gorgeous our omegas are as they present themselves to us.
Callum is already stroking his cock, naked as the day he was born as he crashes into the room. I’m just as bad, my cool completely gone now that Quinn and Linus have given us a green light. We’ve been trying so hard to keep our hands to ourselves, give them space, and we don’t have to anymore.
“Fuck, you’re such good little omegas for your alphas, aren’t you?” I praise.
They’re both ass up, head down, and Quinn’s pussy is pink and slicking as she whimpers. Linus’ asshole is begging to be knotted, and I groan as I watch the way his slick is beginning to slide down as he whimpers.
“Were you a good girl, Quinn? Did you wash the cream off your face?” I ask her, moving to grab a makeup wipe from the nightstand. I doubt that she’d have time to do it before we came up.
Sitting up onto her heels, she shakes her head, taking the wipe. Quickly, she swipes it underneath her nose before also using it all over her face. I love the way her naked, glistening skin looks, and I’ll never stop marveling at how beautiful she is.
Taking the wipe back from her, I throw it away and she gets back into position for us.
“Good omegas get knotted,” Callum croons. His voice is full of need, and I can see the way it affects the two of them. Together, we crawl onto the mattress, making a bee line for our omegas.
“Am I good yet?” Linus asks, making my brother smirk.
My gaze is pulled to Quinn, her outstretched arms on the mattress, and knees opened wide. God, there’s something about this position that makes me fucking feral. My hands open her ass cheeks wide, growling as I drag my tongue up her arousal. I’ll never get over the flavor of spun sugar on my taste buds, nor the scent of lilacs in my nose.
Callum rims Linus’ asshole, his hand wrapping around the omega’s cock as he jerks him off. The sounds of whimpers and moans are delicious as they writhe at our mercy. I know for a fact that my brother is going to edge the fuck out of Linus, while I want Quinn’s cream to soak my beard.