It doesn’t help them or me. It’s just getting harder each time to leave.
“Lay back, baby. I want to see how swollen your pretty cunt is around my knot,” I growl.
Biting her lip, she begins to lower herself back, while I lean forward to keep us connected.
“Grab a toy and prep your ass for me,” I tell Linus, my fingers slipping out of his hole.
There’s a cabinet of toys for clients, all of them prepackaged and new.
I have a long night planned for us, little omegas.Hopefully it’s enough for me to hold onto until I can plan their escape. Avoidance isn’t helping, Bret won’t let me buy their freedom, I’ll just have to steal them away.
The dark web is full of really fucked up people.
It’s been two weeks since Adira’s birthday, and I haven’t stopped my search for Quinn now that I have a direction to go in. I’m running searches for omegas who are sex workers at clubs, but so far most of them are at stationary locations. I have a contact I trust as much as I do anyone I’ve only ever communicated with on the internet who has never steered me wrong, that I need to tap next.
I’m trying not to specifically ask for the club I’m looking for so as not to raise any alarms as I ease into my search. According to Adira and her guys, Rock Dresmond thought that I’d never be able to find the club.
He obviously had no idea how resourceful or how determined I am.
If we were able to best an insane alpha like him, I have a feeling we can find this club. It just may take more finesse than usual to do it.
“It’s a bust so far, isn’t it?” Duncan asks, walking into the living room where I’m set up.
“Only because I started out playing it safe,” I mutter, pulling up my contact’s information to message him.
It’s going to be pricey to have them do the legwork on this, but that doesn’t matter. Quinn is worth whatever it takes.
“I gather by your tone that you’re going to take a more aggressive approach,” he suggests.
“Correct. Though, less aggressive and more assertive is how I’d prefer to describe it,” I say. “I’ve put out feelers that haven’t returned favorable results, so now I’m reaching out to a contact who has always gotten me what I need.”
“Why didn’t you start there?” he asks, smirking when I growl at him.
“You’re annoying,” I remind him. “Hush or get out.”
You’d think I was the older brother at this rate, but alas, my curse is to always be eleven months younger.
Smirking, I send out a message to my contact on the dark web, asking if he knows of any services available for single alphas I’d be interested in. I don’t have to wait long before they’re roasting me in their return message.
Isn’t that what a dating or escort service is for?
Rolling my eyes,my lips twitch in amusement. This person never gets down to brass tacks until they’re good and ready to.
Too boring. I was looking for something a little more illicit. Maybe a heat for sale or some kind of sex club? Looking to switch things up.
I’m pushinga little harder than usual, but I meant it when I said I needed to find Quinn. I did some research on these clubs and the omegas that are forced to work there. This isn’t a job people are hired for. Instead, it’s one where the owners buy men and women.
If Slick Dreams is a sex club, it’s not the only one of its kind, just the only one that I know of that has a transitional structure. Some of these clubs have just omegas working there, while others have different designations as well. At the end of the day, they’re all slaves indentured to their owner through no fault of their own.
I’m asking about a heat, because I know through my research that not even heats are sacred in these sex clubs. Everything about an omega’s life is for sale when they’re a sex worker.