Almost tripping over her own feet, she looks at the phone, torn in two between instincts and recognition.
“I just need to make sure you know who this is, beautiful. Then I can make him go away for now,” I croon.
I want her. I need to bask in the primal knowledge that she fucking recognizes that she’s ours. This dickweed, whoever he is, I can call back. Or, he’s persistent enough to do it for me.
Her lips part as if she wants to respond with her voice, and there’s even a guttural sound that tells me it simply doesn’t want to. It’s okay, I’m not in a rush. Quinn nods instead and I hang up on him, tossing the phone aside.
“Problem solved. What do you smell, Quinn?” I ask.
Mouthing,Mine, she runs and jumps for me, fully expecting me to catch her.
“Fuck yes,” Callum rasps, chuckling when she half throws herself at him as well.
Our kisses for her are messy as she moves between us, tears flowing down her cheeks. Somehow, I don’t think they’re tears of sadness. Our girl recognizes us as hers.
One of our scent matches recognizes us, it must have something to do with her heat being triggered. I’m going to need to take a trip to a pharmaceutical clinic to find out what could help Linus.
The omega in question leans against the door, watching us, a smile gracing his lips. He doesn’t look sad, simply resigned as he stands there.
That won’t do at all.
“Linus,” I growl, my alpha bark in full force. He straightens, his perfume filling the room as his pupils blow out. “Whatever Bret does to fuck with an omega’s biology has worn off for Quinn. That means, it’s just a matter of time.”
Quinn’s now in Callum’s arms, but she turns to look at Linus, this brilliant smile on her lips.
“We’re patient to a fault, aren’t we Quinnie,” Callum purrs. “We need both of you.”
“Which means, now that I know this, I’m going to see how I can hurry it the fuck up,” I say smugly, crooking my finger at him.
His feet move as if they have a mind of their own, dragging along the carpet until he’s standing in front of me.
“Such a good boy,” I whisper, enjoying his whimper. Clamping his chin with my fingers, I kiss his mouth hard. “Mine. You hear that?”
“Just because you can’t feel it yet, doesn’t change it,” Callum adds.
Quinn slips down his body until her feet hit the ground, holding out her hand for Linus’. Letting him go, I watch to see what the little omega has in mind.
All thoughts of whoever was on the phone definitely are gone as Quinn tugs him over to her, and she looks up at Callum. Smirking, my brother’s hands move to cup both of their faces before tasting each of their lips and then having them kiss.
It’s so fucking hot, I have to adjust myself when the three of them are suddenly kissing together. It’s a mass of lips, tongues, and teeth, forcing me to ask the sweet baby Jesus how we got so damn lucky.
Their lips are swollen when they come up for air, and all I can do is chuckle. I must have done something really good in another life to deserve this.
Ihave two warm alphas on either side of me, and a soft omega curled up in my lap as we all talk. Quinn is relaxed as she listens, not appearing to be overstimulated by conversation. There’s music coming from the computer, soothing and soft. It’s weird to have complete silence around me after years at the club with pounding music.
Funny enough, the crooning of Frank Sinatra doesn’t bother her at all. It scratches the happy places in our brains, feeds us the dopamine we crave but aren’t always sure how to get. Quinn and I secretly have dance parties in our nest simply to move and keep our muscles happy.
Too little movement hurts.
Things have been an adjustment for Quinn and I here with Callum and Duncan. The alphas are so good to us, but that doesn’t make everything go away. The memories are too fresh.
I wake up hoarse every night from screaming, yet don’t remember it or the dreams causing it. Quinn doesn’t mentionanything either, making me wonder if we’re both trapped with our own demons at night when we shut our eyes, unable to help the other fight them off.
The very thought is terrifying after so many years of being each other’s lifeline. It makes me feel disappointed in myself. I’m supposed to keep her safe, even though I’ve spectacularly failed at it many times due to our circumstances.