“You don’t even need to lift the blanket unless I ask,” he says softly, running it over both of them. Duncan makes sure to check their necks, back of their knees, and feet, but nothing sets off the app.
“I’m pretty sure Bret is too cheap for trackers too,” Linus teases as Duncan drops into his seat. “Guys, this is a lot to take in.”
“I know,” Duncan sighs as he puts my phone away. “How badly are you freaking out? I’m going to confess to wanting to wait till you were in the truck so you couldn’t run away screaming.”
The back seat is quiet until I realize Linus is shaking with silent laughter.
“Are you for real right now?” he asks, having to force himself to breathe. “Scent matching with someone is huge. I felt pulled to the two of you when I saw you, I just didn’t understand why. I thought I was beyond destiny smiling down on me like this.”
“Why?” I rasp, wondering how anyone in his early thirties can be this certain they don’t deserve what so many wish for.
“Who wants a pair of whores?” he whispers.
“I don’t care what your past looks like,” I say vehemently.
“All we want is today and all of your tomorrows,” Duncan rasps, rubbing the side of his face. We both have stubble from going days without shaving. Any longer, and we’ll look like the mafia criminals we are.
“Yesterday only helped make you who you are today,” I add. “I can tell you that I don’t see a single thing I don’t like, okay? No one chooses to be sold into sex slavery. Therefore, none of that acts as some kind of moral choice.”
“Wow,” Linus says, sniffling. “I’m going to need to keep pinching myself because I can’t believe you’re real.”
“We aren’t perfect,” I admit. “However, we’re pretty self aware. I’ve also made Adira promise to tell us if we’re being idiots. The urge to wrap you up in bubble wrap is riding me hard.”
“We won’t do that,” Duncan says quickly.
But we’ll still want to.
The warehouse where Slick Dreams is supposed to be is empty, the door locked. Brows knitted in confusion, I step back as I glare at it.
I wasn’t able to get here for her heat, which is why I didn’t buy a spot for it. The gangs and motorcycle clubs I supply weapons for have been insatiable as some of them gear up for war. What they get up to isn’t my problem. If they kill themselves, so be it.
I’ll consider it the universe taking out the trash.
Besides, they’re the reason I missed seeing Linus and Makayla. That’s unacceptable.
Growling under my breath, I pull my phone out to call Bret. My scent smells burnt in my anger, and I force myself to stay still when all I want to do is pace and rage. It’s nine o’clock on a weeknight, I don’t want to attract unwanted attention while I’m here.
I can’t bring guns inside Bret’s establishment, but I always carry knives underneath my suit and a garrot wrapped around my belt. There will be a day that I have an opportunity to break my scent matches out of this shit stain of a life they’re living.
I plan to be ready.
“Alpha Sanchez,” croons an alpha whose brains I would like nothing more than to leave spattered on a wall. I’ve been holding back for too long.
I’ve had a bad feeling for the past few days, and Bret’s sycophantic greeting is making my skin crawl.
Where are my omegas?I have been coming here for years, trying to convince myself that I could offer them some solace until I can remove them from Bret’s abusive care. I travel so much, I knew I couldn’t keep them safe if I just yanked them out of here.
Now, I’m thinking I should have tried harder. Done more. Fuck my life.
“Would you like to tell me why the doors are locked and there’s no one at the location you’re supposed to be at?” I ask, my tone no higher than a dark growl.
I’m trying so hard to keep it together, but my anxiety is making my heart pound so hard, my ears are ringing. I deal with high stakes every day. However, something tells me this is different.
“We had a small issue,” Bret says slowly. “There was a breach in security that caused us to pick up and move immediately to another location. We’re across the country now.”