Page 205 of Broken Dreams

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I need to make sure there’s enough space between us and the bombs. I never cared before, but now we have precious cargo,” he says, gesturing to Adira, Linus, Quinn, and the baby on his back. “Just a few more steps should do it.”

Adira gives him a smile, and I can tell that he’s been trying to be more intentional about his actions. I’ve heard him argue with himself while he’s been living at the Kelly mansion, clueing me in that he also deals with demons that live in his mind.

“Here we go,” he says, hitting a button on his phone.

It’s silent for a moment as we all hold our breaths, and then everything behind us explodes. Glancing over our shoulders, we can see the cloud of smoke and fire, and feel the heat from the explosion even at the back of the property.

Quinn takes a deep, shuddering breath, gazing for a long time at the house. I have a feeling she’s thinking about the girls who never had a chance under Miles’ care, as well the alpha who will never hurt anyone else again.

“Who’s ready to go home?” Callum asks.

“Me,” Linus says as we all nod. Pack Dresmond doesn’t look like they’re ready to move back home any time soon, and I strangely don’t hate it.

One week later


It’s a different college campus,yet so much feels the same. The syllabus, the lectures, the first day of classes. What’s different is the anxiety I feel as I walk from class to class.

Reminders that I’m safe, things are different this time, none of it helps as I push into a bathroom stall feeling as if I can’t breathe. Closing my eyes, I drop my head back on the cool metal that makes up the dividers of each stall. It’s just a college campus, why am I feeling like this?

I know.Fuck, I know it’s because I’m all alone here, even though I have pepper spray in my pocket and a pocket knife within easy reach. I’ve heard about all the dangers in this city, as well as what the different mafia families are doing to keep everyone safe.

I know all of this, but my anxiety is telling me I’m in danger and I always will be. I know it’s a liar, but fuck. I can’t get a fucking breath.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, something new that I haven’t had in a decade. Callum gave it to me, telling me to call him if I needed anything. Duncan is in the city meeting with a new client and Christian is working at the construction site. There are people near me.

It’s another reason my anxiety is a liar, because it’s telling me that I’m all alone.

Pulling out my phone, I see it’s Callum. I can’t avoid the call or not answer it because I’m a mess right now. It’ll only make things worse.

“Hey,” I gasp out, my voice weak and raspy. “I can’t?—”

“Yeah you can,” he growls. “I can fucking feel how much you’re struggling, you’re just too far to hear me. Hence the call. So here I am. Linus, you are safe. This is how I know that. Adira and Damon both have classes today, and they’ve been watching out for you. Jasper’s kid brother, Bentley, is also on campus as well. He said he’d keep an eye on you too. You’re safe.”

Nodding, I can’t hide the noise of weakness as I force myself to take a breath. It’s a mixture of a whine and a gasp, hot tears of shame sliding down my cheeks.

“Okay,” I whisper.

“It’s not okay,” he says. “What are you feeling? Tell me what’s going on.”

“It feels like I’m unsafe, as if there are people watching me,” I explain. “It tells me I’m alone and no one will look for me if I’m taken. I flinch whenever someone brushes past me, and I’m really on edge. All I can think about is that something is going to happen or that I’m going to get taken.”

“The University of Lyons increased the number of security guards that they have on campus now,” Callum says. “They understand there are concerns about security due to the way auction houses are finding new omegas to sell. It’s been a concern for years, as you know because that’s what happened toyou. The students are extra vigilant after communication from the university’s president went out at the beginning of the year. Duncan is picking you up when you’re done, and we’re going to keep working on your hand to hand combat. Anything to help you feel safe.”

“Okay,” I sigh.

“And Linus? We would burn the goddamn world down for you,” Callum growls, making my eyes widen. Holy shit. “You’re ours, and we will always make sure you’re safe. The first thing I did was make calls when you were accepted for the fall semester to see what policies were in place. There are blue poles where you can call security if you don’t feel safe. Someone will immediately come to you.”

“The Student Union also has a security office as well. All of your classes are within walking distance of it,” he adds. “Have you eaten at all today?”

The change in topic makes me blink slowly as I attempt to catch up with his question.

“Just the snacks in my bag,” I say. “My stomach has been in knots.”

“Grab a protein shake from the food court, please. That’ll help because it’s cold and sugary,” he says. “Did you know that Omega’s Haven offers therapy sessions? Do you think it would be helpful? We’ve had a rough couple of months.”